The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Johnson dodges calls to devolve borrowing


Boris Johnson has sidesteppe­d calls to give Holyrood the power to borrow cash in the same way the UK Government can.

Ministers were to review the fiscal framework next year, but in a report on Monday, Scotland’s Advisory Group on Economic Recovery called for the timetable to be “accelerate­d” so the Scottish Government borrow more.

The group, chaired by former Tesco Bank boss Benny Higgins, said London should give Edinburgh “greater autonomy to use targeted fiscal measures to stimulate demand”.

Raising the issue at Prime Minister’s Questions, SNP Westminste­r leader Ian Blackford said failing to devolve the powers would “put Scotland’s economic recovery at risk”.

But Mr Johnson dodged his questions, saying: “Scotland has so far received as part of our UK campaign against coronaviru­s £3.8bn in Barnett consequent­ials, a fact I’m sure is seldom off his lips in his discussion­s with SNP colleagues.

“We will continue to invest massively in Scotland because Scotland, like the whole of the UK, benefits from being part of the oldest and most successful political partnershi­p in the world.”

Speaking after PMQs, Mr Blackford said: “The UK faces the worst health and economic emergency in decades. It requires an unpreceden­ted response.

“It is absolutely vital that the Scottish Parliament has the financial powers and funds necessary to fuel a strong recovery and protect Scotland’s budget.

“Scotland can make different choices for an investment-led recovery – but we can only do it with the borrowing powers and access to capital needed to stimulate our economy.”

The Fraser of Allander institute warned this morning that a second wave of Covid-19 could delay Scotland’s recovery until 2024.

The institute said there could be a “raft of redundanci­es and business closures” without financial support.

Mr Blackford added: “It would be completely unacceptab­le if the Tories were to leave the Scottish Parliament to respond to this huge economic crisis with one hand tied behind its back; by refusing to devolve the powers needed and ushering in another decade of Tory austerity cuts.”

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