The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Turning point for ‘sickest survivor’

Dental professor leaves Ninewells intensive care after nearly three months

- PETER JOHN MEIKLEM See comment on page 32

The last remaining Covid-19 patient has been discharged from the intensive care ward in Ninewells Hospital.

NHS colleagues applauded as consultant orthodonti­st Professor Grant McIntyre, from Perthshire, was wheeled out of the Dundee intensive care ward on Thursday after spending 86 days fighting for his life.

The clinical director for Dundee Dental Hospital had the longest stay in Covid-19 intensive care in Tayside, and has been described as the region’s “sickest survivor” of the killer disease.

The 49-year-old said: “When I was first admitted, I knew my condition was really deteriorat­ing fast and I don’t have any memories from much of my initial stay.

“I’m told that I am the ‘sickest survivor’ of Covid-19 in Tayside and I really can’t thank the healthcare teams enough for saving my life.

“Knowing that my family and friends have been praying for me has been a huge help, and the support from my colleagues has been breathtaki­ng.

“If it wasn’t for the lockdown they would have been queuing up outside the unit.

“I can’t even begin to thank everyone who has supported me during this time.”

Mr McIntyre became unwell with Covid-19 at the end of March before being admitted to Ninewells Hospital as his condition deteriorat­ed.

Doctors later moved him to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for six weeks where he received ECMO treatment – a technique to support his heart and help the lungs maintain the right amount of oxygen in his blood.

“I woke up back in the intensive care unit and was totally oblivious to what day it was, how much time had passed or that I’d even left Ninewells,” he continued.

“It’s a really big step for me to be moving on to a normal ward and I’m feeling optimistic about my recovery.

“Hopefully, I can get home to my family in the not too distant future.”

Intensive care nurse Tracey Brady, who cared for Mr McIntyre, said he had been through “a long and difficult journey”.

“He has shown amazing strength of character throughout. We all wish him well with his continued recovery,” she added.

Mr McIntyre’s wife Amanda thanked the NHS teams in Dundee and Aberdeen.

She said: “I would like to take the opportunit­y to thank all the clinical and non-clinical teams in Ninewells Hospital and Aberdeen Royal Infirmary who have looked after Grant so far, and all those who will help him with his future care and rehabilita­tion.

“Our family have been enormously grateful for the support from all our friends and the wider community during the last three months.”

Medical director Professor Peter Stonebridg­e sent Mr McIntyre his best wishes.

He said: “I am so pleased that Grant has now left the ICU.

“It is a great step forward given how unwell he was and I look forward to seeing him continue to make progress.”

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