The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Sadist may never leave prison after sex attacks on women and children

Judge tells 56-year-old he poses serious threat to public after 17 years of offences against vulnerable victims

- DAVE FINLAY Picture: AP.

A sadistic sex offender from Tayside who raped and brutalised women and children has been given a life sentence.

Frank Mayne groomed girls for sex abuse, and attacked adult women, including subjecting one victim to a knifepoint rape, during a 17-year spree of offending.

A judge told the 56-year-old: “You were convicted by the jury of a horrific catalogue of sexual and violent offences, committed over a long period of years, against women and children.”

Lord Pentland said at the High Court in Edinburgh: “All of your victims were vulnerable at the time you attacked and sexually abused them.

“Each of your victims deserves great credit for the courage they have shown in coming forward and testifying against you.”

He said he was satisfied Mayne had a sadistic, violent and depraved personalit­y and he posed a serious risk to public safety.

The judge said it was of “great concern” Mayne was sexually attracted to female children.

Two reports prepared by experts – including one commission­ed by the defence on behalf of Mayne – concluded he posed a high risk to public safety.

Lord Pentland imposed an order for lifelong restrictio­n on Mayne to protect the public.

The judge ordered Mayne, who followed proceeding­s via a video link with Perth prison, must serve six years under the indetermin­ate sentence before parole authoritie­s can consider his case.

Lord Pentland said that did not signify Mayne was likely to be released at that stage – or ever.

He will be on the sex offenders register for the rest of his life.

Mayne had denied a string of charges at trial last year but was found guilty of all 15 counts of rape, indecent assault, assault and indecent behaviour.

He admitted further offences of possessing indecent images of children.

His catalogue of offending began in 2000 and he assaulted women and girls at addresses in his home city of Dundee and in Tayport.

Mayne began abusing one girl when she was six years old and another when she was eight.

A Sotheby’s employee presents the Chinese Yangcai porcelain vase, known as The Harry Garner reticulate­d vase from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. The vase is expected to fetch £7.3-£9.4 million at the auction on July 11.

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