The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)



Food riots again occurred in various towns in Germany, the most serious being at Bremen, where the crowd seized the stalls in the market and sold goods at prices between 100 and 200% lower than prices demanded. Women of the middle and working classes later assembled and stormed the provision stores in the main street and threatened the large stores, but the police finally succeeded in dispersing the crowd without bloodshed. Similar scenes took place at Magdeburg, Hamburg and Bremerhave­n.

50 years ago

Dundee is bidding to become one of the major dyeing centres of the UK. Yesterday a large-scale developmen­t in this field had its public initiation – the third to become operationa­l in less than a year. Costing £150,000, it has been installed by Wm Watson (Dundee) Ltd, textile dyers and bleachers, in the Midmill bleachwork­s, which they acquired last year. Welcoming guests from the textile industries who toured the plant, Mr D. Watson, chairman, claimed it is the most sophistica­ted of its time operating in Britain today.

The people of Dundee paid their last respects to Lord Provost Tom McDonald. Hundreds gathered at St Andrew’s Cathedral for a thanksgivi­ng mass to honour a man whose life had been one of faith, service and dedication. Many more stood in silent tribute outside the church and along a route that took the cortege by the Lochee ward Mr McDonald had represente­d for more than 20 years. The political and social divides were crossed as his wife Jill, family and friends were joined by people from all walks of life.

One year ago

A section of an Angus beach has been cordoned off after part of the coastal defence system “caved in”. Children are being warned to stay away from a small area of Montrose beach amid fears for their safety. Concerns have been raised that a child could lose their life after a gaping hole appeared in a block of rock armour, which protects the vulnerable coast from the lashing waves of the North Sea. Montrose and District SNP councillor Bill Duff has warned youngsters to steer clear until repair work has been carried out.

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