The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Life without their usual play lifeline

Mums tell Caroline Lindsay what adventure play service The Yard means to their children and how they’re managing without it


Imagine if a valuable lifeline had been taken away from your family, leaving your child isolated, anxious and confused. This is exactly what has happened to Lesley Wilson and her sons Connor, 8, and five-year-old Kyle when lockdown meant they could no longer go to The Yard, an adventure play service for disabled children, young people and their families.

Lesley and the boys are regular visitors to The Yard in Kirkcaldy. But, since lockdown, it has remained closed to members in general in line with government regulation­s, with plans to reopen when it is safe to do so.

Connor has developmen­tal coordinati­on disorder (DCD) and is currently being assessed for possible autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder (ADHD).

Prior to discoverin­g The Yard, life was extremely difficult for Lesley and her family.

“Connor just couldn’t socialise – we were really struggling with his behaviour and simply couldn’t go anywhere,” Lesley recalls.

“We tried parks, soft play centres and so on but Connor just couldn’t cope with it. The looks and judgementa­l comments were just awful.

“Even simple things like going to the shops became impossible.

“He couldn’t make any friends and it was also really hard for Kyle who started to accept that we couldn’t do things ‘because Connor can’t’.

“It was also really hard for me – I had support but not from anyone who had been in my shoes, so no-one really understood how I felt.”

Feeling things had hit rock bottom, Lesley approached staff at her sons’ primary school who suggested The Yard.

“I liked the fact that The Yard works with the full range of disability and support needs – it’s so diverse and accepting,” says Lesley.

“The fact that it’s family-centred was also a huge appeal for us as the boys can both play and be included.

“I want them to grow up in a world which is accepting of all people, not judgementa­l, and I think The Yard has really helped them both with that. In fact, Kyle loves going just as much as Connor.

“It’s also been life-changing for me – I can talk openly with other parents who really understand which is so valuable, especially if you’re having a bad day and need to offload.

“We also swap bits of advice and help put things into perspectiv­e.”

The family visits The Yard Fife most Saturdays and, during school holidays, drive to The Yard in Edinburgh.

“We absolutely love our time at The Yard,” she smiles.

“There’s a different theme each weekend with a range of activities, but also lots of scope for free play. Connor doesn’t generally like getting messy but he’s different at The Yard because he’s comfortabl­e there – he now loves making slime, playing with mud and water, things he would never do outside The Yard.

“He’s made a few friends and loves the staff who are worth their weight in gold – they’re all so understand­ing of the different children and their needs.

“They can gauge his mood as soon as we walk in and predict how he’ll react, tailoring activities to suit.

“We just love it and can’t now imagine life without it.”

However, due to lockdown, the family, like countless others, has had to adapt.

“It’s been really hard since The Yard shut and both boys have been really unsettled,” Lesley reveals.

“Connor was very anxious at the start of lockdown, obsessed with the news and handwashin­g – he has definitely regressed. The boys always looked forward to going to The Yard but now we don’t have that and the routine has gone, which Connor has really struggled with.

“I decided to get in touch with Helen from The Yard, who knows him best and she’s been amazing, giving us lots of support, ideas and activities to help create a bit of routine which is the thing Connor desperatel­y needs.

“Even introducin­g a weekly menu for the house has helped with Connor’s need for structure and planning and we’ve had lots of fun baking, making playdough and trying out some new sensory activities.

“She’s even given Connor jobs to do in preparatio­n for The Yard reopening, trying to get his thinking cap on with ideas for new themed weekends.

“Giving him lists and activities helps keep his mind active and helps remind him that this is temporary, that life at The Yard will return!

“On a personal level, I’ve also been keeping in touch with one other Yard mum, sharing messages and supporting each other.

“Our children have different needs but it’s been good having someone to talk to who understand­s.”

Another family also missing The Yard, Pauline Rice and Claire Hermon live in Dundee with their four-year-old triplets, Ollie, Olivia and Bella, who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) last year.

When Pauline and Claire realised that because of Bella’s health conditions, they would have to shield for 12 weeks, reality kicked in.

“We were emotional and scared, scared for Bella, scared that one of us got unwell,” recalls Claire.

“However, we soon dusted ourselves down and began our new life. Pauline spread her work over the full week, so that we could be a tag team

 ??  ?? Clockwise from main picture: Bella and Pauline at The Yard in Dundee; Connor plays at The Yard; Pauline and Claire with the triplets.
Clockwise from main picture: Bella and Pauline at The Yard in Dundee; Connor plays at The Yard; Pauline and Claire with the triplets.
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