The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Skills from prison to be used for the better


A Dundee man is using the skills he learned in prison to help others avoid going down a similar wrong path.

Jamie Canter was released from his 18-month jail sentence in March, after he was convicted of being concerned in the supply of cocaine and MDMA.

Now, after managing to secure a job and a flat, he has turned his attention to giving something back and offering a helping hand to the vulnerable.

After learning barbering skills during his time inside, the 22-year-old wants to help homeless people by offering haircuts and some sweet treats.

He said: “I have been homeless before, so I know what it is like to have no money and what it is like not to have anything.

“I was homeless for about eight months when I was 16 and it was a long and bad time but I just had to get on with it.

“During the coronaviru­s outbreak a lot of people are getting support but I sometimes feel no one is looking out for homeless people.

“There are still a lot of homeless people out there and in my eyes they are being swept under the carpet.”

Jamie is keen to dispel the myth that people who spend time in jail cannot be rehabilita­ted and turn their lives around.

He said: “I have been working on my lifestyle and I want to show people can come out of prison and do something with their lives.

“It is all about your attitude. “Being in prison made me aware of the issues other people can have and it was an eyeopener. What I was doing was bad but I am done with that now – I have a new outlook on life.

“Exactly two years ago, I wouldn’t have helped anyone, I would just help myself.

“But now I realise other people do need help.”

 ??  ?? Jamie Canter has a new outlook on life.
Jamie Canter has a new outlook on life.

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