The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Build on green advances made in lockdown


Sir, – During the recent lockdown we all got to witness the slim silver lining of improved quality of our air and safe passage on our streets.

More people walked and more people cycled, leaving the streets safer, quieter and less smelly than at any time since before the horse and cart were the regular mode of transport in this city.

Let’s not revert to what we suffered before!

We need a green recovery to emerge from this health crisis, including massive investment in walking, cycling and public transport infrastruc­ture.

The government’s decision to spend

£27 billion on new road building is now clearly out of date – social distancing measures mean that we need more space for people to walk, cycle and interact safely.

Cities across the world, including Athens, Paris and Bristol, have recently announced plans to cut traffic and pedestrian­ise areas of the city centre.

Let’s do this here as well.

Dundee City Council has announced funding for new bike lanes, which is a great start, but we need more investment from central government to get these up and running to all parts of the city. People want to walk or cycle to school with their children, but the air pollution along our main corridors and the narrow pavements curb that desire.

By reducing the traffic, widening pavements and putting in more bike lanes, we could walk or cycle to school and work safely, which would have a positive impact on everyone’s health and wellbeing.

This is especially important given the link between Covid-19 and obesity.

All efforts to encourage more exercise amongst us must be made.

That’s why I, as a member of the Greenpeace Dundee Group, am calling on our local council to lobby government on the funding we need, and for the chancellor to set out investment in clean, green transport in his upcoming spending plans.

It’s one of the easiest ways to tackle climate change, provide new jobs, keep residents fit and healthy and help rebuild our local community after lockdown.

Rhoda Neville. Harecraig House, West Ferry. Dundee.

The grooming gangs thrived in English towns and cities for decades because the authoritie­s chose not to enforce the law equally on all sections of society.

Similarly, when the fringes of the nationalis­t movement behave in a blatantly racist fashion no action is taken.

Most people prefer a world of diversity of opinion, dispute and nuance to one of slavish conformity; it is called freedom.

Otto Inglis. Ansonhill, Crossgates.

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