The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Dundee school at centre of outbreak to reopen today


Pupils of a Dundee school closed by a coronaviru­s outbreak will start to return to the classroom today.

Kingspark School was shut on August 19 after a cluster of cases were diagnosed.

The 40 people who tested positive for Covid-19 included three pupils and 23 members of staff, with the remaining 14 community contacts.

A further two cases in children at the Happy Times out-of-school club at Downfield Primary School were linked with the outbreak.

Pupils, all of whom have additional support needs, will return for induction days on a phased basis over the course of this week.

A part-time timetable will begin next Monday and it is intended classes will resume full-time before the October holiday.

All pupils and staff were told to self-isolate for a 14-day period, which ended last Wednesday.

Paul Clancy, Dundee City Council executive director of children and families services, said the school and local authority had worked with Tayside Contracts, NHS Tayside and trade unions to prepare the school for their safe return.

He said: “We are also keeping families updated with developmen­ts.

“I am aware that this has been an anxious time for them and we want to assure them that every effort has been made to enable the safe reopening of the school.

“That is why we are looking at a phased return involving induction days leading to a part-time timetable, with a full-time return to come before the October holiday.

“The school has been offering help and support to families during the closure period and contact will be maintained during the recovery and reopening period.”

The school is one of five in Dundee, including the out-of-school club, with cases of Covid-19.

Mr Clancy said: “The council and its partners are determined to learn lessons from the outbreak as we go forward.”

The decision to close the school, which underwent a deep clean, was taken due the “vulnerabil­ities and complex needs of its pupils”.

Kingspark School had remained open during lockdown to continue to provide support for youngsters with additional support needs.

 ??  ?? Kingspark School in Dundee has been closed since August 19.
Kingspark School in Dundee has been closed since August 19.

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