The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Fundraiser to repair school hit by vandalism smashes target

Public and businesses dig deep after Dundee play area wrecked


A fundraiser set up after a vandalism attack at a Dundee school has reached its target in a matter of hours.

Vandals wrecked a play area Downfield Primary School last week.

Play equipment and benches in the Haldane Crescent school’s grounds were damaged and vandals smashed a window. An outdoor kitchen area was also ransacked.

Police have appealed for witnesses. A clean-up operation quickly began but it became apparent the damage was so extensive it would be costly to repair and replace everything.

John Anderson-McGuinness, chairman of the school’s Parent Partnershi­p, set up a crowdfunde­r to at raise £1,000 and it quickly surpassed its goal.

He said: “Once we found out the extent of the damage, it became quite clear a tidy up wouldn’t be enough.

“The Parent Partnershi­p was able to pass on £1,000 from our savings, but we were aware that does not go very far.

“After dialogue with the school and Parent Partnershi­p members, we set up a page in the afternoon and by about 8pm that night (Tuesday) it hit the target.

“So many generous people and companies have dug deep at a hard time financiall­y for everyone.

“I don’t imagine the just over £2,000 will be able to replace and fix everything but it will do a lot of good.

“We thank every one who dug deep especially at a time of financial hardship for everyone.

“Norman Jamieson, the lorry firm, donated the largest sum at £500 and it really goes to show how much support the general public have for children everywhere.”

Mr Anderson-McGuinness has five children attend the nursery. had

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Some of the damage at Downfield Primary School.

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