The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Sore joints in pets


Arthritis in pets can be an invisible but incredibly painful condition. Vet charity PDSA offers advice on how to keep pets living with the condition as happy, healthy and active as possible.

Vet Lynne James says: “Signs of arthritis can include a reluctance to exercise or stiffness, usually noticed after pets have been resting. They might be struggling to groom themselves, or could be over-licking places that are painful. You might notice that they are worried about being touched or are protective when you get too close.

“Pets with arthritis become less active and may prefer to curl up in their beds instead of going out for a walk as they can feel uncomforta­ble and miserable. Cats and rabbits that are struggling to groom themselves properly can have coats that look dull or knotty.”

Lynne adds: “Slowing down and stiffness don’t always go hand in hand with old age so it’s worth visiting your vet if you suspect your pet may have arthritis. It can often be managed through medication and some simple changes to a pet’s lifestyle.

“Maintainin­g a healthy weight is very important because excess weight puts even more pressure on sore joints. When it comes to exercise, ‘little and often’ helps keep joints mobile and puts them under less pressure than longer walks.”

Caring for a pet with arthritis takes patience, but with careful management and treatment, affected pets can still enjoy a good quality of life and stay happy and active into their golden years.

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