The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Sixty-year-old man admits sexually assaulting woman in hotel room


A 60-year-old man has admitted sexually assaulting a woman in a Fife hotel room.

Gary Low appeared in person at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court where he pled guilty to the offence committed at the We ther spoons Golden Acorn Hotel in Glenrothes town centre on October 3.

Low, whose address was given in court as Barnshale Farm, Kil malcolm, admitted one charge of sexual assault by kissing a woman on the cheek and touching her breast.

The court heard Low had worked as a farmhand and had been staying at the Golden Acorn for a two-week period, striking up conversati­ons with the woman during his stay.

On the morning in question, he asked the woman to come to his room.

Low closed the door behind him and approached the woman, who was in the bathroom,

lowering her face mask and kissing her on the cheek.

Depute fiscal Alistair Mc Der mid said the woman attempted to de fuse the situation, saying to Low: “Social distancing….”

However, Low then grabbed her by the small of the back and touched her breast.

At that point, she told Low “no” and ran out of the room before telling her colleagues downstairs what had happened.

Police were called and Low was arrested later that day.

Defence solicitor David Cranston said his client had been drinking too much on the morning of the incident and had a “rush of blood to the head”.

“He decidedly foolishly he would make a lunge for this lady, and he is disgusted with himself,” Mr Cranston went on.

“He tells me that he’s not a ladies man, he’s had relationsh­ips from time to time and he’s always had respect for women in the past.”

Sheriff James Williamson called for reports and deferred sentence on Low until November 23.

Low was also placed on the sex offenders register in the interim.

 ??  ?? The Golden Acorn Hotel in Glenrothes.
The Golden Acorn Hotel in Glenrothes.

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