The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Route map out of Lockdown pahse 4



Planned easing of restrictio­ns

Gradual easings within Level 4, when data indicate it is safe to proceed.

Easings conditiona­l on meeting the WHO’s six conditions.

World Health Organisati­on (WHO): Six conditions for safe easing

1. Transmissi­on is controlled.

2. Sufficient public health and health system capacities are in place.

3. Outbreak risks are minimized in highvulner­ability settings.

4. Preventive measures are establishe­d in workplaces.

5. Manage the risk of exporting and importing cases.

6. Communitie­s have a voice, are informed, engaged and participat­ory in the transition.

From February 22

Early learning and childcare and schools open for Primary 1-3 pupils and senior phase pupils for essential practical work. Limited increase in the provision for vulnerable children.

Care homes

Care homes opening to facilitate meaningful contact between relatives/ friends and residents.

Minimum threeweek gap, subject to conditions being met.


Second phase of school reopening (unlikely before March 15).

University and colleges

Phased return of a further small number of priority students for in-person learning.

Non-contact outdoor group sports

For 12-17-year-olds subject to sport-specific guidance.


Rules eased, to allow outdoor meetings of four people from two households.

Minimum threeweek gap, subject to conditions being met.

Stay-at-home requiremen­t removed.


Third and final phase of schools reopening if required.


Places of worship can open on a restricted numbers basis.


Essential retailers list expanded slightly and click-and-collect resumes for non-essential retail.

Minimum threeweek gap, subject to conditions being met.

Return to geographic­allyvariab­le levels.

Gateway condition: At least all JCVI Priority Groups 1-9 offered at least first vaccine and WHO’s six conditions met.

Limited other easings within Level 4

Including permitting nonessenti­al work in people’s homes.

Return to variable Levels approach, based on revised metrics in light of WHO guidance.

This will enable the graduated opening up of economic and social activity, at a pace that is safe given epidemiolo­gical conditions. Increasing vaccine coverage over time should enable greater easing of restrictio­ns.

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