The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

New freedoms, but same old responsibi­lity


The urge to get out and about as Covid restrictio­ns on movement are relaxed across Scotland today is understand­able. After months cooped up in our homes, the desire to travel and stretch the legs a little further than has been possible in recent months will be irresistib­le for many people.

But the easing of restrictio­ns does not equate to a free-for-all.

Covid is still a menace, it is still making people ill and, very sadly, there are still those who are dying at its hands.

It is vitally important as society starts to move out of strict lockdown that Covid is not forgotten in the excitement of new freedoms.

Giving the virus as few opportunit­ies as is possible to transmit and to proliferat­e must remain a collective goal and guide our individual decisions.

It is by adhering to the advice, sticking within the new limits for gatherings and walking away from crowds rather than towards them that Scotland will continue to make progress in its battle against Covid.

Those boundaries will, no doubt, be severely tested in the days ahead.

But, until the vaccine programme has competed its work and we have assurance of long-term immunity, then caution must remain the watchword.

The alternativ­e is a return to days of high infection rates, extraordin­ary pressure on health and public services and a summer of lockdown.

It is in all of our interests for that nightmare scenario to be avoided.

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