The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Disgraced teacher admits sex attacks


Adisgraced secondary school teacher has admitted carrying out historical sex attacks on young boys.

Pensioner Andrew Wilson, struck off for lewd misconduct in 2011, touched three children indecently at locations throughout Perthshire and Angus between 1974 and 1991.

Perth Sheriff Court heard two of his young victims were assaulted at an Angus secondary school.

Former computing teacher Wilson, of Ceres, Fife, was first interviewe­d by police about the allegation­s in May 2008.

In February 2011, the case was brought before a General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) disciplina­ry panel.

Wilson admitted he had repeatedly rubbed his young victim’s thigh over the course of two years but he denied there had been anything “sexual” intended.

Wilson appeared before the panel on two charges, including one of using “inappropri­ate behaviour” towards a pupil between August 1989 and June 1991, including brushing and squeezing his thigh.

The second charge stated he rubbed the boy’s thighs and his genitals over his clothing, between August 1990 and May 1991.

Both charges were found to be proven.

In its findings, the panel ruled: “The sub-committee found the complainer to be reliable and credible in his evidence.

“Although there were a number of inconsiste­ncies in his detailed recollecti­on of events, the subcommitt­ee was persuaded that the respondent had been in the habit of touching him on the thigh inappropri­ately.”

As well as being removed from the teaching register, the sub-committee had recommende­d the Scottish government consider disqualify­ing Wilson from working with children.

During the 2011 hearing the now-adult complainer claimed Wilson had made a habit of touching him.

Wilson admitted touching him but claimed his behaviour was not sexual or inappropri­ate.

However, he later conceded that were he to have acted in such a way in today’s school climate those actions would have been viewed as inappropri­ate.

He also admitted that when interviewe­d by police, he had already accepted his actions would be regarded as such.

Both teacher and lay members of the subcommitt­ee held the view that such behaviour had never been acceptable.

Wilson left his teaching job in 2009, Angus Council confirmed.

Wilson, of Wemyshall Road, Ceres, admitted in court that at an unspecifie­d date between August 1974 and June 1977, at a location in Dunkeld, he indecently assaulted a boy aged between 12 and 15, by placing his hands inside his clothing and touching and seizing him.

He further admitted that at various times between August 1989 and July 1991, at the secondary school in Angus, he indecently assaulted a boy aged between 14 and 16 by touching and rubbing him over his clothing.

Wilson pled guilty to a third charge that between August 1990 and July 1993 at the school and locations in Aberdour and Arbroath, he indecently assaulted another boy aged 12 to 15 and touched him over his clothing, placed his hand inside his clothing, pulled him onto his knees, placed his hand inside his clothing and performed a sex act on him.

The case, before Sheriff Gillian Wade, was deferred for background reports to June 3 when Wilson will be sentenced.

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