The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Drunken man spat so much at police officers his dental plate fell out


A drunken Fife man spat at police so much his dentistry fell out.

Craig Rock, of Mackie Place in Dunfermlin­e, appeared by video link at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court to admit assaulting police officers in Rosyth in March.

The 40-year-old had arrived drunk at his former home in Woodside Crescent at around 9.30pm and been refused entry by his partner.

As Rock persisted, his partner called the police.

Fiscal Depute Jamie Hilland said Rock told officers he would leave but he later returned and the same two officers were called back to the property.

They cuffed Rock, who works for a vehicle restoratio­n firm, but had to take him to the ground “in order to control him”.

Mr Hilland said the accused tucked his arms under his body and began kicking out.

He added: “The accused began spitting so much that he spat out the plate holding his front teeth in.”

He continued shouting after being placed in the back of a police van, which took him to Dunfermlin­e station.

The court heard Rock suffered some scratches to his face from his struggling.

He pled guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner on March 19 and assaulting PC Gavin Mould by repeatedly kicking him on the body and repeatedly spitting at him.

His defence solicitor Roshni Joshi said her client accepted his behaviour was “completely unacceptab­le”.

Rock was already serving a custodial sentence with an earliest possible release date in November.

Sheriff Keith O’Mahony added a total of 10 months on to his prison sentence.

 ??  ?? SPIT AND STRUGGLE: A court heard Craig Rock’s dental plate came out as he spat at police officers.
SPIT AND STRUGGLE: A court heard Craig Rock’s dental plate came out as he spat at police officers.

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