The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Man built his own stun gun


ABrechin man lured police officers to his house before pulling out a home-made stun gun and firing it.

Aleksander Nawrocki, 27, had previously posed as an undercover detective while flashing a fake handgun at shocked pubgoers.

In that incident, he plunged a steak knife into the bar before waving the gun around and telling regulars: “Feel the power of my 19mm Glock.”

Dundee Sheriff Court heard that, in the latest incident, Nawrocki called police to his home in Bridge Street, Brechin, on May 4 by claiming to be suicidal.

Fiscal depute Marie Lyons told the court Nawrocki was already on bail for the previous firearms offence when he made an early morning call to say he had taken an overdose.

“He was traced inside and appeared under the influence of drink and/or drugs.

“Medics deemed him fit and it was left to the police officers to deal with the situation.

“The accused spontaneou­sly informed the police officer he had self-built something and wished to show him.

“He went to the bedroom and returned holding a stun gun.

“The accused pressed a small button, causing a spark which caused a high voltage to jump between electrical points.

“He stated it was a homemade Taser and said it had ‘36,000 amps output’.

“He stated he had made it himself to prove he could build it.”

Nawrocki admitted having a stun gun without permission or a certificat­e.

Sheriff Alistair Carmichael deferred sentence on the accused until next month, when Nawrocki is already scheduled to be dealt with in relation to the previous incident.

Nawrocki admitted that, on September 19 2019, he had an imitation firearm at the Caledonian Hotel in Brechin and causing people to believe unlawful violence would be used against them.

Although he claimed to be a detective with a Glock handgun, jobless Nawrocki was actually carrying a BB gun he had purchased online.

Nawrocki was remanded in custody for the preparatio­n of background reports.

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