The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Woman fined for smashing up ex’ s home


A“betrayed” Perth woman smashed up her ex’s house with a spade, costing taxpayers hundreds of pounds.

Shannon Myles, 26, flew into a rage after seeing her former partner with another woman.

She confronted Neil McCulloch at his home in the city’s Potterhill Gardens, where she grabbed a spade and used it to shatter a glass patio door and window panel on the front door.

Perth Sheriff Court heard the damage to the councilpro­perty left taxpayers with a £800 repair bill.

Myles appeared in the dock and admitted wilfully and recklessly destroying or damaging property at Mr McCulloch’s home just days before last Christmas.

She also admitted assaulting her ex by repeatedly slapping him on the head. Myles, of Crammond Place, Perth, was also ordered to compensate Perth and Kinross Council.

Sheriff William Wood told her: “I understand why you might have felt like behaving in this particular way but I don’t understand why you felt the need to carry it through.

“You may have considered this a betrayal and there was intense emotions but of course, you can’t go about behaving like this.”

He added: “You appreciate that the damage will be covered by the council and that’s taxpayers’ money so they will need to be compensate­d.”

Fiscal depute Rebecca Kynaston said Myles and Mr McCulloch had been together for five years.

“By the time of this offence, the relationsh­ip had ended. Mr McCulloch and another woman had started dating.

“At about 1pm, they were spotted by the accused driving in a car together.

“She went to his home address at about 5.30pm and began kicking the front door.

“The accused picked up a spade from the garden and struck and smashed a glass door panel.

“She then took the spade to a glass patio door.”

The court heard she caused £300 of damage to the front door and a further £500 to the patio door.

“The accused then made efforts to get inside,” said Ms Kynaston.

“The complainer prevented her access and the accused slapped him multiple times.

“He was left with redness around his eyes and face.”

The incident was reported to police and officers traced Myles at her home.

She told them: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have smashed his window.”

Solicitor Cheryl McKnight said: “She had been in a relationsh­ip with the complainer since she was 18.

“She thought they were in an on-off relationsh­ip but didn’t expect to see him with someone else.”

Ms McKnight added: “She had been drinking to excess and was under the influence of alcohol at this time.

“This was very much out of character for her.”

Unemployed Myles was fined £400 and ordered to pay Perth and Kinross Council £800.

 ?? ?? ADMISSION: Shannon Myles must pay Perth and Kinross Council £800 compensati­on.
ADMISSION: Shannon Myles must pay Perth and Kinross Council £800 compensati­on.

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