The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Poll shows SNP on the rise ahead of council elections


Anew survey has shown momentum is behind the SNP ahead of Scotland’s upcoming local elections. The Survation poll, for Ballot Box Scotland, asked 1,002 Scots for their first, second and third preference voting intentions between March 24 and 28.

Scotland’s local government elections use the single transferab­le vote (STV) method, where voters rank their choices by order of preference.

The poll found 44% of those asked intend to vote for the SNP in the ballot on May 5 – a plus-12 swing compared with the last local elections in 2017.

Some 23% (plus three) of respondent­s said they intend to vote for Scottish Labour, putting Anas Sarwar’s party in second place for first preference­s.

Douglas Ross’s Scottish Conservati­ves found themselves third under this measure, with 18% of those surveyed saying they would back his party – a swing of minus seven compared with the last vote.

The Scottish Liberal Democrats then followed with 6% (minus one), while the Scottish Greens – currently in the Scottish Government under a co-operation agreement with the SNP – received a share of 3% (minus one).

Ahead of its first council election, the Alba Party, which was launched in 2021 before the Holyrood elections, had 1% of the vote.

The Scottish Greens took the lead for second preference­s, with 21%.

Scottish Labour were second again on this measure, while Alex ColeHamilt­on’s Scottish Liberal Democrats took the third spot with 12%.

Some 8% of respondent­s said they would select the SNP as their second choice, while 5% said they would back the Scottish Conservati­ves.

Almost a quarter (24%) of those polled said they would not to use their second vote.

This figure jumps to 45% on the subject of a third preference, with Mr ColeHamilt­on’s party taking 13% of the share.

This is closely followed by the Scottish Greens with 12%, while Scottish Labour takes third with 10%.

The Scottish Conservati­ves sit at 4% of respondent­s intending to vote for them as a third preference.

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said the polling shows the Scottish Conservati­ves are “sinking in the polls” amid a cost-of-living crisis.

He added: “These elections are vital, first to elect SNP councillor­s who will work tirelessly for local communitie­s.

“May 5 is also an opportunit­y to make our voices heard, to send a message to the Tories who are failing families, and cast a verdict on Boris Johnson’s lies, cronyism, and moral failure.

“This latest poll shows that people in Scotland continue to put their trust in the SNP and that positive vision we have for our nation – but there is absolutely no room for complacenc­y as the campaign heats up.

“We already know that turnout will be key in this election, which is why the SNP will continue to take nothing for granted – working for every single vote until polling day,” added Mr Brown.

“Locking the Tories out of power in council chambers across Scotland means getting out to vote – and voting SNP.”

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 ?? ?? Scottish Conservati­ves leader Douglas Ross and the SNP’s depute leader Keith Brown.
Scottish Conservati­ves leader Douglas Ross and the SNP’s depute leader Keith Brown.

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