The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Scottish Labour bonds with Tories as fined PM Johnson clings to power

- Ian Wallace, Chapman Drive, Carnoustie.

Sir, – At the moment it seems unlikely we are about to get a new PM any time soon.

So how does Boris manage to get away with it?

Simple, just claim at the despatch box that there were no parties at No 10 but if there were he had no knowledge of them and then state that if there were no rules were broken.

Well, we know there were. So he broke the ministeria­l code, he lied and if you lie you go.

Inquiries are grinding on so he is asked again about parties which he claimed did not take place, then if he asked his staff what was going on.

No response for that one so he goes off into a fridge, and here in Scotland to MoD bases to avoid any more questions.

However, he is hit with a fixed penalty notice from the Met Police for attending a party at No 10.

The tactics now change to a new formula – he is now contrite, takes full responsibi­lity, which in the old days meant “I am about to resign”.

Labour now have him over a barrel but they focus on the economy which is equally bad, so they let Boris off the hook.

Politics in the Commons is akin to cage-fighting, so quick as a flash he is no longer sheepish but goes on the attack to describe Keir Starmer as “Beer Korma”, just like a playground bully would do.

So, no resignatio­n so far. Why are Tory MPs willing daily to defend this man and his behaviour? In the short term, is it because he will keep them in a job?

Was partygate discussed in Cabinet?

Did he try to squash the Sue Gray report?

The first to go, Allegra Stratton, seems to have disappeare­d down a plughole.

Years of Tory cuts and austerity have left people starving.

For them, this is like shouting in the wilderness.

Last tip, if all else now appears to have failed and he is doomed, just simply change the rules regarding the ministeria­l code, and he can do that because here in the UK we do not have a constituti­on, so the sitting PM can change whatever he likes whenever he wants. What is unfolding is dire. While Labour in Scotland have now rushed to bond with the Tories, in the Commons Starmer has described the Tories as the devil incarnate.

What do Labour supporters make of this folly?

Boris ploughs on shamelessl­y destroying our democracy as he goes.

There you have it, we are stuck with this inveterate liar, so now over to the public at the next general election, with by-elections on the horizon soon which will hopefully give us a clue if his coat is on a shoogly peg.

Oh, and where is the Sue Gray report? Probably in the bin in No 10.

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