The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Protesters ready to defy Network Rail warning


Dozens of people are expected to defy a safety warning with a protest picnic on the site of the new Levenmouth railway line this weekend.

Walkers and cyclists are angry at the imminent closure of all existing crossings over the five-mile stretch of track.

Almost 900 people have signed a petition against the move by Network Rail, amid fears they will be forced to make detours when the area is fenced off.

Many say they intend to ignore a request to immediatel­y stop using the area by gathering to eat lunch there today.

The Levenmouth railway picnic protest has been organised at Doubledyke­s crossing from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

Participan­ts aim to show the company the ancient rights of way are still well used and loved by the community.

Cyclist Gavin Harrower, who launched the petition against the closure in June, said he still intended to attend the picnic.

“We’re told fencing will be going up imminently,” he said.

“Whether it will be fenced off before we get there, I don’t know.

“But we’re certainly not going to be able to use it for much longer.

“The call has gone out to walking and cycling groups, so I expect a lot of people to turn up.”

The crossings serviced the original Leven to Thornton line, which closed to passenger trains in the 1960s and they have been used as rights of way by locals ever since.

However, Network Rail says people will no longer be able to cross the tracks as work on the railway progresses.

The company is urging them to find alternativ­e routes.

It has announced work to create the first mile of track is now complete and constructi­on of the second mile is about to begin.

Engineerin­g trains will shortly begin using the the finished section to help deliver the next phase of work.

Network Rail said to avoid coming into contact with trains and machinery people should not now be using the area.

Mr Harrower said Network Rail never mentioned closing the crossings during the planning of the new line.

“We could have looked for a solution, but it’s hard to change things once they’re in place,” he said.

“The ideal scenario would be a wee bridge across it, but Network Rail won’t even consider it.”

Mr Harrower has now raised the issue with the Scottish Government and is waiting for a reply.

Levenmouth rail link project manager Joe

Mulvenna said he was delighted with the progress made so far.

“Various elements of work are under way all across the route and activity is set to ramp up even further in the coming months,” he said.

“We are asking people who have previously used the area to walk dogs, for leisure or for exercise to please find an alternativ­e.

“Increased work activity means more vehicle movements and the first mile section will be a live railway and so very dangerous.

“Our priority is safety, both of the local people and for those working hard to deliver the project.

“And the best way to promote safety is by asking local people not to continue to use the railway corridor.”

 ?? ?? CLOSED: Network Rail says the new line will soon be in service and is about to fence it off from the public for safety reasons. Picture by Kenny Smith.
CLOSED: Network Rail says the new line will soon be in service and is about to fence it off from the public for safety reasons. Picture by Kenny Smith.
 ?? ?? Advertisin­g today’s protest picnic at Doubledyke­s.
Advertisin­g today’s protest picnic at Doubledyke­s.

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