The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Oh my word!


Last week, Partick Thistle put up a sign at their ground saying “welcome to Firhill”. The sign is in English, with the message repeated in Gaelic.

It sparked a social media discussion. Some celebrated the bilinguali­sm, others railed at a waste of money.

But this descended into insults volleyed between those for and against an independen­t Scotland,

each side poisonous in its arrogance of certainty. Humans are never more frightenin­g than when they are convinced they are right.

For my part, I am concerned that language should not become politicise­d. If you want to speak Gaelic, fine. If you want to speak English, fine.

As I have said many times, I don’t care what your politics are. I doubt you care what my politics are. Your intelligen­ce will allow you to make up your mind about holding another independen­ce referendum, or not holding one. I certainly won’t tell you what to think.

Indeed, we should be wary of anyone who lusts to make up our mind for us. I don’t enjoy talking to those who see black and white with no shades of understand­ing. They don’t debate, they lecture.

I don’t like the way political difference is expressed in Scotland nowadays. There is too much vehemence. There is anger, mockery, enmity, even intimidati­on.

I, for one, would not hoist a flag in my garden, or march the streets with my face painted chanting for a cause. Those are things a football crowd would do. Politics is not football.

Don’t let a “them and us” schism form, delineated by the way a person talks or writes. That isn’t politics, it is bigotry.

Of course, I have spent my working life producing books and newspapers in standard English. It will be no surprise to learn that is where my chief language interest lies.

But I welcome the fact that other mouths speak other tongues. People create works of art in Scots, Doric, Lallans, Gaelic, or any other dialect or language. This is a wonderful thing. There is nothing to divide us here, there is room in this world for all languages and strength in each.

I am always intrigued to discuss the vocabulary, syntax, and punctuatio­n of written English. As an extension, I enjoy comparing and contrastin­g idioms, word meanings, and borrowings from any other language.

No matter where a political border is, or isn’t, drawn, language is our tool of understand­ing. No matter what happens in the future, we will always need to communicat­e.

Do not, please, vilify any language or make language a political battlegrou­nd. Everyone loses if that happens. There is no such thing as creative hatred.


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