The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Cabinet clueless over ‘economic tsunami’


Sir, – The UK Government is currently rudderless, heading towards a devastatin­g economic tsunami and utterly clueless as what to do.

The leadership contestant­s also seem bewildered as to where Darlington is but, hopefully, will find Perth soon.

So what do they both make of Scotland?

Both seem confused, given recent utterings about our country.

They cannot seem to quite work out if Scotland is crucial to the Union, deserves to be cut adrift, opposed, despised or, as some say, walled in.

They have displayed a mix of ignorance and arrogance which has morphed from equal partner to upstart pretender.

Recent comments clearly confirm they both despise Scotland and have become anti-Scottish as well as antiWelsh when Truss described, in her latest words of wisdom, the FM Mark Drakeford as a lowenergy Jeremy Corbyn.

The Smith Commission declared in 2014 that nothing should stop Scotland becoming an independen­t country in the future if the people in Scotland should choose.

Even Margaret Thatcher said famously that no one should stand in the way of the Scots who want independen­ce if they so choose, no matter how we dislike that.

Truss appears to be a tribute act for Boris Johnson but the real problem is the economy, as one of Bill Clinton’s strategist­s said in 1992. The Tories have borrowed 67% of the national debt and God only knows how much of that has been wasted but count it in billions.

It is shocking to learn that Shell has received £100 million from the UK taxpayer through a regime of tax subsidies.

The energy companies are bashing the poor people so we need someone to bash them.

It is so sad to see how the UK is now, sadly, run by racists and ideologica­l bigots who have made the country so internatio­nally diminished that global Britain is a fast-disappeari­ng fantasy.

Just look to the rightwing approach in shipping “undesirabl­es” to Rwanda, among many other issues.

The energy crisis is the cause of our problems.

The 1986 privatisat­ion has been a disaster due to the unstable energy market so the poor suffer but shareholde­rs take the profits.

The Tories cannot come around to windfall taxes for their obvious political beliefs but we seem to have a saviour on the horizon – none other than Gordon Brown whose half-baked, baffling plan to temporaril­y nationalis­e the energy companies with the state absorbing the losses then returning them to the private sector when profits return.

That will cause financial mayhem.

If anyone sees Syd, please tell him we have been conned by the great energy sell-off.

I despair, I really do. Ian Wallace. Chapman Drive, Carnoustie.

 ?? ?? INDEPENDEN­CE: Ex-Tory PM Margaret Thatcher said it was a matter for Scotland to decide.
INDEPENDEN­CE: Ex-Tory PM Margaret Thatcher said it was a matter for Scotland to decide.

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