The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Abuser killed ex’ s pet hamster, then taunted her in text


Adangerous domestic abuser from Fife who killed his expartner’s hamster with a hammer may never be freed from custody.

Arran Swift, 37, has been jailed, placed on an Order for Lifelong Restrictio­n (OLR) and banned from contacting the woman after subjecting her to a terrifying ordeal over a 16-month period.

Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court heard how Swift, from Lochgelly, targeted the woman’s pet after she had left him in her home.

The death came to light after he sent the woman a chilling message, stating: “Timmy isn’t going to survive.”

The animal’s body was found by police where it had been thrown against a wall.

A hammer was found covered in blood and hair.

Swift previously trapped the woman inside her house, tied her hands together and followed her while threatenin­g to stab her.

She was knocked unconsciou­s on another occasion and he used a knife and glass bottle in his attacks.

Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court previously heard how the couple had separated in September 2021 and she had left her flat, leaving her pet hamster, Timmy.

Fiscal depute Ronnie Hay said: “Between September 6 and 16, telephone records showed 391 communicat­ions were made from his phone to her.

“These messages were also threatenin­g – she received one saying ‘Timmy isn’t going to survive. Where are you?... bad move, goodbye’.”

Police went to the property and found evidence that Swift was still living there – along with the grim discovery of the tiny pet’s body.

The court heard how, on other occasions, he tied his victim’s hands, stole precious items, beat her with a gin bottle and threatened to kill her.

Swift’s heinous crimes were so serious the case was remitted to the High Court before Lord Arthurson.

Sitting in Dundee, the judge ruled Swift poses a significan­t threat to the public should he be released from custody.

Lord Arthurson said: “The index offence in this case involved your engagement between October 2020 and January 2022 in a sustained course of abusive behaviour towards your victim.

“You used weapons, namely a knife and glass bottle, and assaulted her by seizing her by the throat and restrictin­g her breathing.

“You inflicted trauma on her head and body, rendering her unconsciou­s.

“You killed her pet animal and mutilated its body.

“You repeatedly threatened to kill your victim and her family and to burn her house down.

“You exhibited and exercised... extreme and sustained coercive control over your victim over a period of some 16 months, all while you were on a community payback order for directly analogous offending.”

The judge added: “The assessor concludes that if at liberty in the community you would present a high risk of serious harm.

“You have a longstandi­ng diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.

“You have been assessed as presenting a risk of harm to others that has been persistent over time and that you have offended violently against strangers and your intimate partners.

“Your own descriptio­n of fantasies of harming others in the past and what the assessor terms as lastresort thinking are further highlighte­d features of your case.”

Swift, a prisoner at HMP Edinburgh, pled guilty to engaging in an abusive course of conduct against the woman between October 2020 and January 2022 at addresses in Fife, Cumbernaul­d and Edinburgh.

He will initially serve three years and nine months in prison and under the terms of the OLR only the parole board can decide if Swift can be managed in the community.

 ?? ?? COERCIVE AND DEPRAVED: Arran Swift killed his ex-partner’s hamster with a hammer.
COERCIVE AND DEPRAVED: Arran Swift killed his ex-partner’s hamster with a hammer.

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