The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Labour ‘is not planning alliance with SNP’


Labour is “not planning alliances” with the SNP “or anyone”, the party’s national campaign coordinato­r has said.

Pat McFadden said a change in SNP leader “doesn’t make much difference” after Humza Yousaf announced his resignatio­n as first minister last Monday.

Asked if he “could imagine” Labour and the SNP working together if his party does not win a majority at a general election, Mr McFadden told Sky News’s Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips “no”.

He said: “Our aim is to win a majority, to govern, to meet the mood for change, and we’re not planning any alliances or pacts with anyone.”

Mr Phillips questioned if Labour would “rule-out the idea of co-operation” with the party and Mr McFadden responded: “You can put it to me from now until Christmas and my answer will be the same

“We’re going to aim for a majority government.

“We are going to meet that mood for change.

“We’re not planning on any pacts or alliances with anyone and I think – after the results of the last few days – we go into that fight with no complacenc­y, but with a belief and confidence that we’ve seen in the votes that were cast a few days ago.”

Asked if he would have been happier if the SNP had kept Mr Yousaf as leader, Mr McFadden said: “I don’t think it matters who the SNP leader is now, because I think there has been a big change.

“I don’t think it makes much difference because in Scotland just as in England there is a mood for change.

“In Scotland, just as in England, there is a tired government that has run out of steam and run out of ideas.”

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