The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Bodybuilde­r faces jail for breaking man’s jaw

Guilty plea following assault at equestrian society ball in upmarket hotel

- Tim bugler

A top Scottish bodybuilde­r was facing jail yesterday for breaking a man’s jaw after his girlfriend clashed with a schoolgirl on crutches at a society equestrian ball.

Ross Kerr knocked his victim, Peter West, out cold with a single punch at the British Showjumpin­g Associatio­n’s Scottish branch annual awards ball.

Shocked fellow revellers put Mr West, 49, into the recovery position and called an ambulance while Kerr, 23, and his then girlfriend, Holly Cunningham, were “ushered out”.

Kerr was arrested 40 minutes later in the bedroom he was sharing with Miss Cunningham, 26, at the ball venue, the upmarket 14th Century Airth Castle hotel and spa near Falkirk.

Stirling Sheriff Court heard that Mr West was taken to the nearby Forth Valley Royal Hospital and then transferre­d to Monklands General Hospital where specialist­s found a fracture and bruising to the left side of his jaw.

Prosecutor Sarah Lumsden said the incident occurred about 1am on January 15 this year. She said Mr West, his wife Sarah, and a 14-year-old girl and 10-yearold boy were attending the ball, as were Kerr and Miss Cunningham.

Miss Lumsden said the 14-year-old was on crutches, with a cast on her right ankle.

The depute fiscal said the Wests were seated at a table with the 14-year-old and a friend.

She said: “Peter West had noticed the girlfriend of the accused walking around the venue in a very drunken state.

“She walked over to the Wests’ table followed by her boyfriend, Kerr.

“She spilled a drink over Peter West and knocked over a few glasses on the table – that was accidental, probably due to the fact that she was intoxicate­d.”

Miss Lumsden said the teenage girl asked Miss Cunningham “what was happening”.

She said: “At this, Miss Cunningham began to shout abuse at the girl, who pointed out to Miss Cunningham that she was 14 and on crutches.

“Words were heated between the pair, such that Peter West stood up and said to Miss Cunningham that she’d had too much to drink and advised her to go to her room.

“At this, Mr Kerr approached Mr West and punched him to the left-hand side of his jaw, causing him to fall to the ground.

“He was rendered unconsciou­s for a short period of time.”

Miss Lumsden said the assault was witnessed by the 10-year-old boy, among others.

She added: “Another witness placed Mr West in the recovery position and contacted an ambulance, and Miss Cunningham and the accused were ushered out of the venue. Both returned to their room and the police were contacted.”

Kerr initially denied throwing a punch, and told officers: “I was just trying to get the guy, who was pulling at my top, off.”

In court, Kerr, of Balgreggie Park, Cardenden, pleaded guilty to assault to severe injury.

Murray Aitken, defending, said it was “unclear” whether the injury was caused by Kerr’s punch, or Mr West’s resulting fall.

Sheriff Wyllie Robertson told Kerr that background reports were “inevitable” and deferred sentence until November 30.

Kerr’s bail was continued.

 ??  ?? Ross Kerr knocked his victim unconsciou­s during the row at Airth Castle hotel and spa, near Falkirk.
Ross Kerr knocked his victim unconsciou­s during the row at Airth Castle hotel and spa, near Falkirk.

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