The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

UK taxpayers could face decommissi­oning bill

Government­s urged to bring forward a programme of investment

- Alan jones

UK taxpayers could be liable for a significan­t share of the North Sea’s multi-billion-pound decommissi­oning costs over the next 40 years, according to a new study.

The GMB union said its research into oil and gas fields across the UK Continenta­l Shelf suggested an increasing financial burden will be placed on the Treasury in the form of tax refunds to oil and gas companies.

Average costs for North Sea decommissi­oning expenditur­e are growing by 14% a year, with the final figure now expected to be more than £100 billion, said the report.

The GMB called for the UK and Scottish government­s to bring forward an urgent investment programme to get Scottish ports and fabricatio­n yards “decommissi­oning ready”.

The union’s Scotland secretary, Gary Smith, said: “If we don’t act fast then it could mean the worst of all worlds: A chance to boost economic and employment prospects gone and the taxpayer paying for the clean-up of the North Sea while other countries profit from decommissi­oning at our expense.

“The taxpayer is sick and tired of dishing out billions of their hard-earned money in subsidies to corporatio­ns with little to no return, so doing nothing at both the UK and Scottish government levels by ‘leaving it to the market’ is simply not an option.

“GMB Scotland is very clear that the economic, political and moral arguments for government interventi­on are compelling and with the Autumn Statement and Scottish Draft Budget on the immediate horizon, the time for politician­s to act is now.

“All of us are going to pay for North Sea decommissi­oning so the least that our government­s can do is to take the appropriat­e action to ensure more of our own money is redistribu­ted back into our economy and not into the pockets of largely overseas-based oil and gas contractor­s.”

Lang Banks, director of the environmen­tal group WWF Scotland, said: “The GMB are absolutely right to highlight the massive liability facing UK taxpayers in order to clean up the mess left behind by the North Sea oil and gas industry.

“Having made hundreds of millions of pounds in profits over the past few decades, the costs for decommissi­oning old rigs and restoring the marine environmen­t should be being fully covered by the companies themselves.

“In the interests of tackling climate change we need to see an end to all government subsidies and incentives that encourage new fossil fuel extraction, including North Sea oil and gas.

“Instead we need to see investment by UK and Scottish ministers in the developmen­t of oil and gas decommissi­oning facilities and the continued accelerati­on of renewables right across Scotland.”

 ??  ?? The mess left behind by the oil and gas industry will have to be cleaned up and paid for.
The mess left behind by the oil and gas industry will have to be cleaned up and paid for.

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