The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Stark warning over fake claims


UK holidaymak­ers visiting Portugal have been warned they face prosecutio­n if they lodge bogus food poisoning claims against hotels.

The Foreign and Commonweal­th Office (FCO) updated its travel advice to urge visitors to only pursue genuine complaints and states fake cases could lead to legal action in the UK or Portugal.

Travel trade organisati­on Abta said there has been a dramatic rise in the number of gastric illness claims made since 2013, despite sickness levels reported in resorts remaining stable.

It blames unscrupulo­us claims management touts for encouragin­g holidaymak­ers on all-inclusive packages to submit dishonest or exaggerate­d ones.

Hoteliers in Mallorca said £42 million in fake claims were made in the first nine months of last year.

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