The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)


- Our resident astrologis­t CLAIRE PETULENGRO gives today’s prediction­s

ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

Saturn hands you the gift of clarity so you’ll be able to see through a lie before it’s even told. You’ll also know if you should call an ex! Call to hear how new business paths beckon. 0904 020 2170

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

Why are you allowing others to interfere in your life? Only you can know what and who will make you happy. Ring me now for positive energy. 0904 020 2171

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)

If you play games in love, of course you’re going to get your fingers burnt. What you need is some downtime so you can remember what’s important to you in life. Call to reveal all. 0904 020 2172

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

You feel the need to see those who are important to you. You want advice on who you should venture into your future with. Call to hear why I know you already know the answer. 0904 020 2173

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

If you tell a lie to cover a lie, of course it’s going to get out of hand. Come clean. Honest talking and respect bring a new and improved bond. Ring me to talk upcoming travel plans. 0904 020 2174

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)

You find new ways to climb the career ladder. Be careful of saying bad things about those you’ve worked with: paths cross more than you think. Call to improve your intuition skills. 0904 020 2175

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)

Don’t give in to the pressure close ones are trying to place on you. Stand your ground or you’ll never forgive yourself. Also, remember that you don’t have to scream and shout like others to get your own way. Call to find peace over the past. 0904 020 2176

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)

Listen to your inner voice today, for it will lead you well. If only you had followed your feelings two weeks ago, you would not feel so cornered today. Rumours in the workplace are not to be listened to. Ring for power and positive thinking. 0904 020 2177

SAGITTARIU­S (November 23rd-December 21st)

Why is it that are you allowing the past to influence what you do in the future? You of all signs should know that you feel so much better when you wipe the slate clean and let events explain themselves. Ring me now to obtain structure and sense. 0904 020 2178

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)

Working out your next move would be easier if you thought more about what makes you happy and what makes you anxious. Call to hear why this is a great day for new introducti­ons. 0904 020 2179

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)

Don’t take too much time to decide if you are going to say yes to what a close one is asking. They may take your deliberati­on as a sign of a lack of interest. Make peace with that family member today, while you still can. Call to be inspired. 0904 020 2180

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)

Finances are your priority at this time, as you try to sort out how to increase your incomings. Think of what you know you enjoy doing and you’ll soon be in the black and not the red. Ring now to hear what else your future holds. 0904 020 2181

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