The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Councillor is in need of a history lesson


Sir, – I refer to previous correspond­ence concerning Councillor Duff’s opposition to flying the Merchant Navy flag on September 3. Similar to most people today, Mr Duff is ignorant of the vital part played by the Merchant Navy in the Second World War, and without which the war could not have been fought. Merchant ships carried the troops to the various theatres of war, the fuel and ammunition they required and the wounded, the fuel for the Royal Navy and – perhaps the most dangerous cargo of all – aviation spirit for the Royal Air Force. And, in addition to all this, they brought food, as, in spite of the Dig For Victory campaign, Britain was unable to produce enough to feed her people. The enemy, of course, knew all this so that they did everything in their power to sink our merchant ships by U-boats, surface craft, aircraft and mines, and even in port, docks were targeted. Some 2,426 British merchant ships were sunk, 36,749 seamen and women were lost (including boys as young as 14 and men in their 70s), 5,720 were taken prisoner and 4,707 were wounded – a total of 47,176 casualties: a minimum casualty rate of 25%, considerab­ly greater than any branch of the armed services. In view of the above, I ask Mr Duff to withdraw his opposition to flying the Red Ensign in Montrose on that one day. And I would also like to remind him that the Saltire is Scotland’s flag – not the SNP’s. Ian M Malcolm. 2 Morton Crescent, St Andrews.

 ??  ?? One correspond­ent suggests Councillor Duff should retract his opposition to flying the Red Ensign in Montrose.
One correspond­ent suggests Councillor Duff should retract his opposition to flying the Red Ensign in Montrose.

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