The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Fireworks: To ban or not to ban?

Animal owners say stop public pyrotechni­c sales – others say ‘ban the hooligan not the firework’

- MICHAEL ALEXANDER Kelsey Logan with horse Hero.

Bonfires blazing, sparklers sparkling and fireworks exploding in the night sky.

It is that time of year again when an estimated 10 million folk don their winter woollies and head out to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night – often attending organised displays.

The annual tradition is staged to commemorat­e the foiling of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot when Fawkes and fellow plotters planned to blow up the House of Lords.

But given the nuisance and safety issues that surround the lighting of fireworks every year, is it time for fireworks to be banned from public sale?

Angus show horse owner Kelsey Logan, 28, from Edzell, thinks so. One of her animal’s escaped serious injury last year after being spooked by fireworks and running into an electric fence.

Fireworks were set off without warning in the early hours about half a mile from where the self-employed animal services business owner’s horses were sleeping.

Two-year-old show horse Hero was left with a gashed leg after getting caught in the fence and was described as a “very, very lucky boy” – going on to win his class at the Royal Highland Show this year.

Kelsey, who faced a £300 vet bill, said: “Fireworks should be completely banned for sale and use to the general public. I think only organised events that are broadcaste­d and advertised should be allowed. This gives animal owners plenty warning to be able to watch over their animals and take appropriat­e measures to prevent accidents.”

Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) chief superinten­dent Mike Flynn would also like to see the sale of fireworks banned to the public.

He said current regulation­s are so relaxed that fireworks can be set off on any given day and for weeks and months on end rather than being limited to the major festival periods.

“This leaves pet owners and farmers unable to make adequate provisions for their animals,” he said.

“We have been made aware of numerous incidents over the years where animals have come to serious harm and even death as a result of fireworks being set off near them.

Ena Conyon, who runs Second Chance Kennels in Thornton, near Kirkcaldy, would also like to see them banned. An alternativ­e to a ban, she suggested, would be to have “silent” fireworks like those recently introduced in the Italian town of Collechio in the province of Parma.

Others do not believe a ban is necessary.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service figures show that more often than not, it is children rather than adults who are injured by fireworks.

Over the past five years, more than 350 pre-school children, some as young as one-year-old, were treated in hospital for firework injuries. Children’s scars may heal but the trauma for them and their parents can last for years.

However, the fire service stops short of calling for an outright ban – realising that fireworks also bring a lot of fun.

Instead, it advises people to stay safe and always follow the fireworks code. Even better, it recommends people attend organised displays where they will likely get a better show and save money.

That is a view shared by Hugh Ironside, captain of Cupar Golf Club, which is hosting an organised display at its golf course on Sunday evening.

He said: “Firework displays are an important part of our heritage and annual entertainm­ents calendar. They do have to be used responsibl­y and sensibly.

“This doesn’t mean that they should be withdrawn from sale to the public. The public are on the whole sensible and high-profile awareness campaigns each year warning about the dangers of fireworks make people think about their use.”

The British Fireworks Associatio­n, which represents the part of the industry which sells fireworks to the general public, said laws and regulation­s have been considerab­ly tightened over the last 20 years – and welcomed by the industry.

It says fireworks are safe if used in accordance with the instructio­ns printed on every firework – adding that firework injuries are at an all-time low.

The associatio­n’s position is “ban the hooligan not the firework”.

However, the industry has urged enforcemen­t agencies to use the law and powers they already have to crack down on the “misuse” of fireworks.

The call comes after reports of police and Trading Standard officers failing to take action in some parts of the UK after witnessing illegal behaviour.

Steve Newham, chairman of the British Fireworks Associatio­n, stresses that calls for a tightening of the law, or an all-out ban, is not the answer to antisocial behaviour.

Mr Newham added: “It is no good calling for a ban which the enforcemen­t agencies won’t be able to enforce. Officers should use the powers they already have and let the law-abiding public enjoy their fireworks.

“We will continue to work with the police and others to stamp out illegal fireworks and firework hooliganis­m.”

Fireworks should be completely banned for sale and use to the general public. I think only organised events should be allowed

There are few things more dramatic than a good firework display. Seeing the night sky lit up with an array of colours is one of winter’s joys – compensati­on for the darker evenings and freezing temperatur­es.

In an ideal world, anybody over a certain age would be free to buy fireworks.

It would be nice to think people could be trusted to treat them with the respect they deserve and only let them off in safe environmen­ts.

Sadly, we do not live in an ideal world, and sometimes one that does not even come close to approachin­g ideal.

With bonfire night still a few days away, we have already seen too many examples of the irresponsi­ble use of fireworks.

There are reports of some youngsters throwing fireworks at other children, and – on Wednesday night – away fans were seen to be igniting pyrotechni­cs within Dens Park.

In both cases, the potential dangers hardly need spelling out.

Across the country there are dozens of organised firework displays planned, but many people will want to enjoy their own, more intimate celebratio­ns.

Soon, that is a luxury that may be denied.

When will the tiny minority of irresponsi­ble people learn that if they cannot behave with respect we will all lose the kind of freedoms the vast majority deserve?

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Picture: Gareth Jennings.

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