The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Farmers need resilient business

- Linda Tinson

The ultimate end goal of succession should be to inform the business growth plan

It’s vital for farmers to have a firm footing in our uncertain and increasing­ly competitiv­e industry.

A large part of the sector’s future prospects is interlinke­d with post-Brexit trade arrangemen­ts and, whatever deal is struck, it’s likely we’ll see the industry regroup as it adapts to its new environmen­t and a new payment regime, post-2021.

With these issues in mind, in the last month we hosted four roadshows from Castle Douglas in the south to Thainstone in Aberdeensh­ire, along with Johnston Carmichael and Galbraith.

Each focused on building a resilient farm business capable of succeeding regardless of what’s happening in the economic or political context.

Of course, what was interestin­g is that despite much talk of – and preparatio­n for – change, the crucial elements that we can control, such as succession planning and farm diversific­ation, remain the same.

The key to a resilient farm business is understand­ing its potential and, of course, having robust asset growth plans, and equally important protection plans, in place: the more successful a farm and its associated enterprise­s, the more there will be to pass on to future generation­s.

Involvemen­t across the generation­s – drawing on people’s varying perspectiv­es, ideas and expertise – can take farms beyond traditiona­l land management and prove crucial to building a business that will thrive, rather than just survive.

Encouragin­gly, one of the take home messages from the events was the enthusiasm and optimism of the younger generation­s of farmers, and how they’re actively looking for new or different opportunit­ies.

NFU Scotland has just launched its share farming hub which, amongst other things, can give retiring farmers a place to link up with the next generation to provide opportunit­ies for entry and exit, respective­ly. While the share farming hub is being met with enthusiasm, it must be carefully executed so each party fully understand­s all the legal and fiscal implicatio­ns such as the way the property will be treated for inheritanc­e tax purposes.

It is often said that the biggest threat to the family business is the family itself, so the responsibi­lity of all in the family should be to understand how to protect the assets from any hostile claims on the death of a family member.

A recent Scottish Government consultati­on on suggested legal right changes has recommende­d no change for now, so it’s still important to continue to take great care in succession planning, after all a legal rights claim made by a disinherit­ed or inadequate­lyprovided-for relative can prove ruinous to a business.

Specialist­s can advise on the best way to structure a rural enterprise, protect the asset base and review funding options to bring about developmen­ts: working in a team to deliver growth and sustainabi­lity and create a secure succession plan for future generation­s.

The ultimate end goal of succession should be to inform the business growth plan, with preparatio­n for the exit, and re-entry, of members being considered: avoiding a situation where the business is negatively impacted by inadequate planning and resultant family disputes.

In short, trusted advisors can alleviate increased burdens, such as planning regulation­s, access to funding, business structure and continuity planning. Linda Tinson, is head of rural, land and business, Ledingham Chalmers.

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