The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Out in nature

Bikepackin­g has seen a surge of popularity thanks to lighter equipment and roundthe-world record-breaking adventurer­s like Markus Stitz, as Gayle Ritchie discovers


The light was fading, the air becoming distinctly cooler as Markus Stitz rode his bike down to the head of remote Loch Ossian.

Clouds hung low in the sky, truncating the tops of Munros he had set eyes on earlier in the day, and the smell of wood smoke drifted across the wilderness, spurring him on towards the hostel’s flickering light.

“It was dark when I arrived and I was hungry and tired, but relaxed and happy,” recalls Markus.

“I knew I had a warm place to stay and a nice bottle of wine waiting in my bags.”

This was one of the most memorable moments in Markus’s experience of “bikepackin­g” – a form of off-road, adventure cycling with as little strapped to the bike as possible.

On this occasion, he had cycled across the Road to the Isles, a wild and rugged landscape in the West Highlands, during a weekend in March.

His journey had begun when he had boarded the train with his bike in Edinburgh and alighted at Pitlochry. He then cycled – complete with all his gear, including food, drink, sleeping bag and clothing – all the way to the hostel, on the banks of the glassy loch.

“The trip really was bikepackin­g at its finest,” muses Markus, 39. “I was enjoying the here and now and wasn’t thinking about what was ahead. As I rode, daylight faded, the light changing from light grey to dark blue as I came to the last descent, with Loch Ossian in the distance.

“I could imagine the smell of freshly cut wood, the crackling of an open fire. And then I saw the hostel and really enjoyed almost ‘flying’ down the rough gravel track. It was magic.”

Markus, who hails from Germany, moved to Edinburgh in 2009 having fallen in love with the city during the world-famous festival. He made his very first bike-packing trip in 2014 – the self-supported Highland Trail route – when the discipline was relatively unknown and, he says, “undergroun­d”.

He tackled the route, which explores 550 miles of some of the most remote, inhospitab­le terrain in the Scottish Highlands, on a singlespee­d bike.

“It was brutal!” he says. “There were steep climbs and ‘hike-a-bike’ sections, where, you guessed it, I had to walk with my bike. But I absolutely loved it and couldn’t wait to plan my next adventure.”

He didn’t wait long. The following year, in 2015, Markus set off to become the first person to bike-pack round the world on a singlespee­d bike – 21,186 miles through 26 countries – all in one gear!

Back in Scotland, he continued to push his body to its limits with epic bikepackin­g trips.

Surprising­ly, Markus, who owns eight bikes, says he was never a sporty child.

“I did the odd cycle but I was never in any clubs. I spent the first year of university eating too much and then in second year, I started running and

Adventure cycling has given me the life I love, with many superb friends across the globe

gradually got into long-distance cycling.”

In 2016, realising bikepackin­g could – and indeed should – become a bigger, more accessible sport in Scotland, Markus founded his company Bikepackin­g Scotland.

This allowed him to market the sport via tourism organisati­ons and create new bikepackin­g and cycling routes across Scotland, all of which would be free to access online and ride.

These included the Capital Trail, the Central Belter (Scotland’s longest off-road bikepackin­g trail), Fife Coastal Trail, Go East Lothian Trail, West Highland Rover, West Island Trail, Reiver Raid, and the Wild About Argyll Trail.

“Scotland is great for biking – the opportunit­ies are limitless,” he says.

“It’s got hills, mountains, stunning coastal tracks and rolling countrysid­e. What better country to ride in?”

For those new to bikepackin­g, Markus recommends tackling the Cateran Trail, “but starting and finishing in Alyth as the section from Blairgowri­e to Bridge of Cally has a lot of gates that are not currently bike-friendly”.

Otherwise, there are loops all over the Angus Glens, and in Fife, Markus is a big fan of the Fife Coastal Path.

A weekend in April saw Markus take the train to Dundee and cycle to Glen Doll Ranger Centre.

He then ran part of Jock’s Road, camped up high, and the next morning walked over Cairn Bannoch and Broad Cairn and back to the Ranger Centre. He picked up his bike and then cycled over the Minister’s Path to Glen Prosen and over Backwater reservoir to Alyth and Dunkeld. “I’m training for the Type 2 Fun Run, an 85km ultra-race in the Highlands in August, so this trip was training that combined cycling and hill running!” he explains. This man is made of tough stuff!

The basic kit required for the beginner bikepacker? Markus suggests keeping things simple.

“You need stuff to fix the bike and yourself, stuff to keep you warm and dry (on and off the bike), and stuff to keep you fed. Keep things as light as possible. You might have to lift the bike over gates. The less you take, the more enjoyment you’ll have but take enough to be safe.

“You also need communicat­ion tools if things don’t go to plan. That can be a phone or a satellite tracker.”

There are no hard and fast rules with bikepackin­g – you can stay wherever you want, whether that be in a bivvy, tent, bothy, hostel, bunkhouse or even a B&B.

Ultimately, Markus is passionate about promoting sustainabl­e tourism experience­s in Scotland that won’t wreck the beauty of our country.

“Bikepackin­g is exactly that for me – a great way of travelling at a decent speed but being able to stop, look and listen as much as possible without damaging the environmen­t,” he reflects.

“While cycle touring does in many ways provide the same experience, bikepackin­g takes you into places a convention­al touring bike wouldn’t be able to reach, and also forces people to think about how much stuff they take, and focus on what is really necessary.

“Living in the here and now, taking very little, and spending money on experience­s like local food, visiting

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Markus recommends that you travel light and only take what is necessary to have the best experience when cycling.

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