The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Powerlifti­ng star puts weights aside to focus on latest endeavour

Kara Swankie helped found the Circle Academy as a way to help people learn about enterprise


A Dundee powerlifte­r is hanging up her weights for a year to focus on helping people into business — but not before breaking some world records.

Kara Swankie has helped found the recently launched Circle Academy — a 12-week training programme which will offer the skills needed to start a business.

But her life outwith work has been no less intense as she has been competing in powerlifti­ng competitio­ns for the past five years.

Her successes have included bringing home four gold medals from the 2017 Commonweal­th Powerlifti­ng Championsh­ips in South Africa.

But she has now decided to take a year out of competitiv­e lifting to fully concentrat­e on the Circle Academy initiative.

Kara’s last weekend before retiring was one to remember, as she broke three world records in her field at the British Powerlifti­ng Championsh­ip, which took place in Elysium, Edinburgh on July 20.

She said: “I pushed myself to win but to break world records was a fantastic way to retire for a year.

“It was a pretty successful closure to five years of back-to-back competitio­n. I’ll definitely be going back to powerlifti­ng after taking this year out, but for now I want to concentrat­e on the Circle Academy.”

The records Kara broke at the competitio­n were deadlift and squat, as well as combined total.

Kara lifted 150kg for the squat, 200kg in the deadlift and her total – which included a bench press at 80kg – was a record-breaking 430kg.

The year away from competitiv­e powerlifti­ng will be a packed one for Kara as not only will she be focusing on her business, she’s also getting married.

At just 23, Kara has already had two businesses under her belt –Swankie Jo’s gift shop and Dundee Strength Unit, both of which she has since sold.

Kara added: “At the academy, we are people who have been through it all that are giving advice, so we can practise what we preach.”

Kara will continue powerlifti­ng training through her time away from the competitiv­e circuit, but “with different priorities”.

The Circle Academy is a 12-week intensive, practical and educationa­l training programme.

It will provide the tools and building blocks to start, launch and grow an organisati­on and a resource bank of informatio­n and mentors to provide ongoing support and guidance.

Kara added: “The Circle Academy programme is long overdue, not only in the third sector but across all organisati­ons.

“Learning practical, realistic skills which will make you more enterprisi­ng and forward-thinking, will be invaluable to help your organisati­on grow.”

I’ll definitely be going back to powerlifti­ng after taking this year out, but for now I want to concentrat­e on the Circle Academy. KARA SWANKIE

 ?? Picture: Steve McDougall. ?? Kara Swankie broke three world records at the British Powerlifti­ng Championsh­ips, but is set to take a sabbatical from competitio­n to focus on her new venture.
Picture: Steve McDougall. Kara Swankie broke three world records at the British Powerlifti­ng Championsh­ips, but is set to take a sabbatical from competitio­n to focus on her new venture.

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