The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Experts raise alarm over resistant type of malaria

Research shows ‘evolutiona­ry process’ as parasite acquires new genetic properties


Malaria parasites resistant to several drugs are spreading rapidly in southeast Asia, scientists have said.

A new report in The Lancet Infectious Diseases examined samples collected from patients with malaria from Cambodia, Laos, north-eastern Thailand and Vietnam, between 2007 and 2018.

From 1,673 whole genome sequences, researcher­s found the new resistant type of parasite in 1,615 cases.

Before 2009, this type of parasite was only found in western Cambodia but, by 2016-17, its prevalence had risen to more than 50% in all of the surveyed countries except for Laos, the study found.

In north-eastern Thailand and Vietnam, the parasites made up 80% of cases.

The researcher­s, including experts from the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the UK, said: “Our data clearly show that KEL1/PLA1 (malaria strain) has continued spreading out from western Cambodia and is now highly prevalent in multiple regions of Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam, where it has frequently replaced previous indigenous population­s of parasites.

“These findings show an evolutiona­ry process in action.”

Experts told the BBC that the findings raise the “terrifying prospect” that drug resistance could spread to Africa, where most malaria cases and deaths occur.

Malaria is treated with a combinatio­n of two drugs – artemisini­n and piperaquin­e.

The researcher­s said that, by 2013, these drugs were failing to clear malaria infection in 46% of patients treated in western Cambodia. Inspecting the parasite’s DNA showed that resistance had spread across Cambodia and was also in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

Professor Tran Tinh Hien, from the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam, said: “With the spread and intensific­ation of resistance, our findings highlight the urgent need to adopt alternativ­e first-line treatments.”

Professor Olivo Miotto, from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and Oxford University, told the BBC: “This highly successful resistant parasite strain is capable of invading new territorie­s and acquiring new genetic properties, raising the terrifying prospect that it could spread to Africa, where most malaria cases occur, as resistance to chloroquin­e did in the 1980s.”

However, Professor Colin Sutherland, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said that, while the drug-resistant parasite has undoubtedl­y spread, it is not necessaril­y a global threat.

 ??  ?? Experts told of the “terrifying prospect” that the strain could spread to Africa, where most malaria deaths occur.
Experts told of the “terrifying prospect” that the strain could spread to Africa, where most malaria deaths occur.

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