The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Blue plaque honour given to Angus-born medical professor

Family home marked with tribute to his many achievemen­ts


The family home of a renowned gynaecolog­ist who spent his formative years in Angus and whose work was described as “one of the great medical advances of the 20th Century” has been marked with a prestigiou­s blue plaque.

Professor Chassar Moir was born in Montrose in 1900 and attended Montrose Academy.

He went on to read medicine at Edinburgh University at the age of 17, becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) in 1926 and later a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynaecolog­ists.

He gained experience at various hospitals around Edinburgh and later as a GP in Redhill, Surrey.

Family and friends gathered for the unveiling of the plaque by his son, John Moir, at 11 Chadlingto­n Road, Oxford.

Prof Moir died in 1977 and his family linked up with the Oxfordshir­e Blue Plaques Board to erect it at the house where he lived between 1938 and 1957.

Tribute was given by David Barlow, Nuffield Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecolog­y Emeritus, while John’s sister Jane added a family perspectiv­e.

In 1932 Prof Moir took up a research post at University College Hospital, London.

He had long been interested in the potential of ergot, a rye grass fungus, for stemming haemorrhag­es after childbirth, the cause of many deaths.

He collaborat­ed with the biochemist Harold Ward Dudley and they developed the fast-working drug Ergometrin­e which has since saved countless lives.

The Lancet recorded in Prof Moir’s obituary “it was one of the great medical advances of the 20th Century and was a true gift to world medicine”.

He received many honorary degrees from British and overseas universiti­es and was awarded a CBE in 1961.

In retirement he moved to Charlbury, Oxfordshir­e. He would travel to London to work in an honorary capacity almost until the time of his death.

His funeral service was held in Charlbury and he was buried in the family lair at Sleepyhill­ock Cemetery, Montrose.

His daughter Priscilla said the plaque was a “splendid honour” to her father.

She added: “He was absolutely devoted to his work.”

It was one of the great medical advances of the 20th Century and was a true gift to world medicine. THE LANCET

 ??  ?? The Moir family at the unveiling of the blue plaque. From left: Sue, Michelle, Jane, John, Priscilla and Priscilla’s daughter Fi Glover.
The Moir family at the unveiling of the blue plaque. From left: Sue, Michelle, Jane, John, Priscilla and Priscilla’s daughter Fi Glover.

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