The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Skeleton found in cave could be ancient royalty

Research into Pictish man suggests high social status


A Pictish man who had a “brutal death” about 1,400 years ago could have been royalty, researcher­s now say.

Archaeolog­ists found the skeleton in a recess of a cave in the Black Isle in the Highlands.

He was discovered in a cross-legged position with stones weighing down his limbs while his head had been battered multiple times.

Analysis carried out on behalf of the Rosemarkie Caves Project now suggests he was a prominent member of the community, such as royalty or a chieftain.

Forensic anthropolo­gist Dame Sue Black, then with Dundee University, helped research his background.

The findings show he had a highprotei­n diet, which researcher­s have few other examples of during that period.

Simon Gunn, founder of the project, said: “He was a big, strong fella – built like a rugby player – very heavily built above the waist.

“It’s rather peculiar that he had a very high-protein diet throughout his life, to the extent that it’s as if he had been eating nothing but suckling pigs.

“He was a bit special, that could be royalty or a chieftain.

“Obviously he had a rather brutal death, but he was buried quite carefully in that cave.”

Mr Gunn added he was only aware of two examples of people in Scotland around that time having a similar diet.

A bone sample sent for radiocarbo­n dating indicates that he died sometime between 430 and 630.

The man stood at 5ft 6in and was aged about 30 at the time of his death.

His skeleton had no injuries other than those inflicted during his death. This suggests he was not a warrior or engaged in arduous labour.

Mr Gunn also said the cave burial could have been a way to place his body at an “entrance to the underworld” as part of a ritual.

The team believe there was a feast after Rosemarkie Man’s death, either in celebratio­n or reverence of his passing, as there were piles of animal bones near where he was discovered.

Earlier analysis from 2017 shows the first three impacts broke the man’s teeth, fractured his left jaw and back of his head.

The fourth strike went through his skull from one side and out the other as he lay on the ground, while the fifth blow was to the top of his head.

Professor Black added: “It could well be that we are looking at someone prominent.

“If you have a high-protein diet you are eating well and are not in the poor of the community.”

Researcher­s at Dundee University later did a facial reconstruc­tion of the man.

The Rosemarkie Caves Project has been surveying a series of caves along the coast of the Black Isle.

Evidence shows the caves were being used in some way from 2,300 years ago until the recent past.

He was a bit special, that could be royalty or a chieftain. SIMON GUNN

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 ?? Picture: Gareth Jennings. ?? Clockwise from above left: Facial reconstruc­tion of the man’s remains; the full skeleton; forensic anthropolo­gist Dame Sue Black.
Picture: Gareth Jennings. Clockwise from above left: Facial reconstruc­tion of the man’s remains; the full skeleton; forensic anthropolo­gist Dame Sue Black.
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