The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Wind farms are blowing cash


Madam, – Dr Wardrop (Turbines are far from green, Courier, July 20) is correct to highlight the futility of wind turbines, particular­ly as money hungry developers are rushing to build ever more as we already have too many.

This can be demonstrat­ed by reference to constraint payment data available via the Renewable Energy Foundation.

Since 2010 a total of over £550 million has been paid to developers asked by the grid to shut down their wind turbines when generation exceeds demand, with over £103m paid to one wind installati­on alone.

These payments have increased dramatical­ly year on year.

In one month alone this year (March) £31m was paid to shut down wind turbines and it should be noted these costs are added to our electricit­y bills, in addition to the subsidies paid when the turbines are generating.

No wonder electricit­y prices are rising and fuel poverty increasing.

The data clearly demonstrat­es we cannot use the ever increasing amount of wind generated electricit­y when the wind is blowing favourably.

And, of course, we will continue to need nuclear and fossil generating backup when the wind is not blowing.

No matter how many more turbines are built, this back-up will still be required.

Despite this ever escalating cost, developers are still hurrying to build ever more turbines, aided and abetted by supine government­s.

Why so, when all this does is to increase costs to the consumer and reduce grid stability with the increased potential for power cuts?

This nonsense simply cannot be allowed to continue.

GM Lindsay. Whinfield Gardens, Kinross.

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