The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)
100 years ago
Herr Bauer in the National Assembly at Weimar yesterday unfolded the policy of his Government inlaying the foundation of the new Germany. Look straight ahead and go forward! This was his advice to the German people, whose immediate task must be the fulfilment of the terms of the Peace Treaty. The Premier criticised the policy of the members of the Extreme Right, who, he said, has chosen the moment which carries the Hohenzollern Empire to its grave to proclaim the restoration of the Hohenzollern Monarchy.
50 years ago
A mother and baby had an amazing escape last night when, after seeing a friend away on a bus, a car mounted the pavement in Barclay Street, Stonehaven, and hit the pram the mother was pushing. Mrs Mabel Duncan had the pram pulled out of her hands and overturned. Her one-year-old daughter, Gillian, was thrown on to the pavement. She suffered bruising to her back and right arm and received treatment at a doctor’s surgery. The driver of the car, from Aberdeen, was unhurt.
25 years ago
A Perth youngster had a lucky escape when he plunged 16 feet from the balcony of a house in High Street, Kirkcaldy. Three-year-old Joseph Colquhoun, was attending a barbecue with his dad Paul and his brother and sister, twins Mark and Hayley. Joseph sat on the lower spar of a three feet high fence protecting the balcony, but slipped through. He fell eight feet before his fall was broken by an aluminium roof, but then rolled down the slope and fell a further eight feet onto a concrete floor. He escaped with only bruising.
One year ago
A balaclava-wearing man in black threatened staff and stole cash during a raid on a Broughty Ferry bookmakers. The man entered William Hill on Brook Street wearing a black waterproof jacket with the hood up and a mask covering his face around 11.20am. He then fled the scene. Police Scotland has not yet confirmed if a weapon was used in the raid but a large number of police officers descended on Broughty Ferry in response to the crime. Witness Chris Watson said: “There must have been at least five cars.”