The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

One-legged man found guilty of shopliftin­g spree

Social workers ‘close’ to disability discrimina­tion


Social workers have been accused of discrimina­tion after suggesting a Perth criminal could not do community service because he only has one leg.

Serial thief David Phillips admitted five shopliftin­g charges but avoided jail yesterday after a sheriff criticised social workers for suggesting there would be difficulty in finding suitable unpaid work due to his disability.

At Perth Sheriff Court Sheriff Pino di Emidio said: “One is very close to a form of disability discrimina­tion with that. It’s like getting a report that says he can’t work because he doesn’t speak English very well, for example.”

Phillips, 52, of Greyfriars, Perth, admitted five charges of shopliftin­g in Perth between July 25 and August 8, stealing goods worth more than £500.

He was placed under supervisio­n and a sixmonth curfew.

Perth and Kinross Council, which employs the social workers, did not respond to a request for comment.

A one-legged man who carried out a fortnight-long shopliftin­g spree was caught because of his distinctiv­e appearance on security CCTV footage.

But David Phillips, 52, avoided a jail sentence after a sheriff criticised social workers for coming close to “disability discrimina­tion” in their handling of his case.

In a report to court they advised against community payback for Phillips because of the difficulty in finding him unpaid work he could carry out in the community.

Sheriff Pino di Emidio said: “One is very close to a form of disability discrimina­tion with that.

“It’s like getting a report that says he can’t work because he doesn’t speak English very well, for example.

“I am inclined to deal with this by putting you on a very short leash,” he told Phillips.

“As an alternativ­e to prison I will make a community payback order for two years.”

He placed Phillips – who has lost a further toe in addition to his amputated leg – under supervisio­n and put him on a curfew for six months.

Phillips of Greyfriars, Perth, admitted five charges of shopliftin­g at Morrisons, Boots, Marks and Spencer and Debenhams in Perth, between July 25 and August 8. The goods stolen were worth more than £500.

Solicitor John McLaughlin, defending, said: “He is well-known and no disrespect to him, but he is in a wheelchair and must stick out like a sore thumb in any CCTV review.”

Phillips was also sentenced for using his walking stick to smash a shop window before clambering into a nail bar and helping himself to a haul of items.

He spent 22 minutes rifling around inside the shop but he was caught red-handed after witnesses saw him climbing back out through the broken window. He admitted breaking into the Nail Boutique in Perth on May 27 2018

Depute fiscal Nicola Gillespie told the court that Phillips had a long record of previous conviction­s including housebreak­ing, shopliftin­g, assault, reckless discharge of a firearm and attempted murder.

Perth and Kinross Council, which employs the social workers, did not respond to a request for comment.

It’s like getting a report that says he can’t work because he doesn’t speak English very well, for example. SHERIFF PINO DI EMIDIO

 ??  ?? David Phillips, 52, at court after a two-week shopliftin­g spree.
David Phillips, 52, at court after a two-week shopliftin­g spree.

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