The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Parties gathering to do battle over Brexit

MPs preparing bid to ‘take back control’ in run-up to Parliament being suspended


Parties from across the UK political spectrum will gather in Westminste­r today in a bid to prevent the prime minister’s suspension of parliament and no-deal Brexit, in what has been described as a critical day for British democracy.

With MPs due to return to the House of Commons tomorrow, a number of last-minute arrangemen­ts to prevent Parliament being prorogued are expected to be thrashed out.

It is expected Labour will attempt to wrest control of the order paper – the Parliament­ary timetable – via a Standing Order No 14 tomorrow.

If successful, it is likely a new Bill will be introduced this week to see an extension to Article 50, which would instruct Prime Minister Boris Johnson to ask for an extension past the October 31 Brexit deadline.

Labour’s shadow cabinet will meet today to discuss options on how to obtain the order paper.

Shadow Scottish secretary and Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeat­h MP Lesley Laird said: “The proroguing of Parliament is completely undemocrat­ic.

“The shadow cabinet will meet on Monday. We will attempt to get control of the order paper, which will be used to take back control. MPs from other parties would need to come together on this, including some Conservati­ve MPs.”

The SNP has warned no-deal Brexit would be catastroph­ic for Tayside and Fife, with the area’s education and food and drink sectors expected to suffer worst.

Angus Conservati­ve MP Kirstene Hair would not be drawn on whether she would support no-deal through Parliament.

“I have voted three times to leave the EU in an orderly fashion with a deal,” she said.

“We need to get behind the prime minister as he works to secure a new deal with the EU and when it comes back to Parliament, vote for it.”

Luke Graham, Conservati­ve MP for Ochil and South Perthshire, said: “I want to leave with a deal. I said to the prime minister very clearly the only way I would support no-deal is if I received sector-by-sector detail on what support will be given to my constituen­cy.”

SNP Europe spokespers­on Stephen Gethins, speaking on behalf of all of the area’s SNP MPs, said: “We have to see a continuati­on of the good work that has already taken place between the SNP, Lib Dems, Greens and Plaid Cymru to stand-up to the Tories. The SNP group will be united in its determinat­ion to do so.

“Tayside and Fife will be particular­ly badly hit by no-deal. The excellence of our educationa­l research centres rely on the cooperatio­n and funding with our European partners. Our food and drink sector thrives because of access to the world’s biggest single market.”

“MPs from other parties would need to come together on this. MP LESLEY LAIRD

 ?? Picture: Kim Cessford. ?? Protesters in Dundee City Centre make their views clear.
Picture: Kim Cessford. Protesters in Dundee City Centre make their views clear.
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