The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)



100 years ago

Women have come into much of their own recently, and the House of Commons yesterday discussed their “emancipati­on” still further when they considered in committee the Sex Disqualifi­cation (Removal) Bill. The Solicitor-General accepted an amendment to provide that marriage should not impose on women any legal disqualifi­cation in the exercise of any public function and the holding of any profession­al appointmen­t. Women should not be excluded from sitting and voting in the House of Lords.

50 years ago

A suggestion that the speed limit on part of the Esplanade at Kirkcaldy should be raised to 40mph was rejected by the Streets Committee last night. By eight votes to five the committee approved a motion by Councillor John Cook that the stretch from Invertiel to Burleigh Street should remain at 30mph. He pointed out many people frequented that area with children. They had to consider their safety. Cllr George Muir supported him and pointed out a lot of children used that road on their way to the beach.

25 years ago

The Scottish Conservati­ves will reveal their chosen successor to Perth and Kinross MP Sir Nicholas Fairbairn next week and there is speculatio­n the post could go to a woman. Sir Nicky, who earlier created panic in the Tory leadership by threatenin­g to resign and prompt a by-election, has made it clear he will retire at the next election. Perth and Kinross Tories are meeting in secret to choose a successor. Provost Jean McCormack seems to have been ruled out. She is not on the official candidate list.

One year ago

Bodies could soon be recovered from the New Zealand mine where two Scots were killed eight years ago. Malcolm Campbell, of St Andrews, and Pete Rodger, of Perth, died in the Pike River tragedy which claimed the lives of 29 miners in November 2010. Families who have endured an agonising wait hope bodies will be found in a re-entry operation which could begin before the end of the year. A decision is expected early next month on the operation which will also gather evidence about the explosions.

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