The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Schools ensure a special send-off for class of 2020

Pupils delighted to be reunited with their friends


School-leavers who missed out on endof-term ceremonies, parties and prizegivin­gs have been bid farewell in unique fashion.

Parents and schools ensured the class of 2020 who missed out on their final weeks of primary and secondary school was given a special send-off.

Among the many schools to mark the occasion was Lundin Mill Primary School, whose parent council had the leavers piped from the school grounds.

Youngsters were applauded as their procession went through Lundin Links, Fife, to the common, where they were gifted with French dictionari­es for secondary school.

Parent council treasurer Carla Gold, whose daughter Faryl was among the P7s, said: “Traditiona­lly the kids are piped out of the classroom on their last day and obviously because of Covid and the lockdown they’ve not been able to do that this year so we thought we might go a bit bigger and pipe them from the school to the common.

“I’m glad we had a chance to do this, even though the weather wasn’t very kind.”

Faryl said it had been challengin­g being parted from her classmates and was delighted to be reunited with them.

She said: “I’m feeling so happy because I have managed to see some of my friends again who I didn’t see through the whole period of lockdown.”

On the last day of term at Tayview Primary School pupils were cheered and applauded by staff as they walked through an archway of balloons and were presented with a parting gift.

The head teacher of the Dundee school, Dawn Archibald, said: “Having had all these weeks of lockdown we really felt it was vitally important to mark the occasion for our P7s and not let them disappear off into the sunset without us having some form of closure and celebratio­n with them.”

Langlands Primary School in Forfar welcomed its high achievers into school to collect their prizes and say goodbye to their teachers.

Head teacher Karen Tough said: “We were really sorry we weren’t able to give our P7 pupils the usual end-of-term send-off, but happy that we were at least able to congratula­te our prizewinne­rs personally on their achievemen­ts and hand over their shields – at an acceptable distance of course.

“It is very sad that our P7 pupils’ time at Langlands was cut short and that they missed out on the usual end-of-term leavers’ show, the school trip to Dalguise and, of course, the annual prizegivin­g.”

“Despite this, we hope they will move on to the next step of their education with fond memories of their time at Langlands and wish them all well.”

 ?? Steve Brown. Picture: ?? Smiles amid the rain as two friends enjoy a cuddle at the Lundin Mill Primary School ceremony.
Steve Brown. Picture: Smiles amid the rain as two friends enjoy a cuddle at the Lundin Mill Primary School ceremony.

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