The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Memorial website to remember victims of Covid-19


Bosses at Pe r t h and Kinross Council have launched a new memorial website to honour people who have died of Covid-19.

The Lost/Found project has collated memorials and stories of those who passed away during the pandemic.

The first of its type in Scotland, it aims to remember those lost in Perth and Kinross and across the country.

Anna Day, c ultural public programme manager at the local a u t h o r i t y, said the accounts placed on the site evoke deep emotions.

“It’s been a privilege to hear the stories of some of those who died,” she said.

“I’ve heard stories that made me laugh out loud but I’ve cried many times, too.

“I hope that people enjoy reading about these extraordin­ary men and women and that they are remembered well.”

She added: “It’s also been fascinatin­g to read about the Covid times that people have had, including Professor Dame Sue Black and (Kinrossbor­n chef ) Tom Kitchin.

“I’d love to hear from other people who want to share their experience­s.”

Many of the families who contribute­d to the website are now working on the second phase of the project.

They are collaborat­ing with artists to create physical memorials to remember their loved ones.

An exhibition of the work will be shown in


This comes after arts o r g a n i s at i o n Culture Pe r t h and Kinross announced its efforts to collect people’s photos, objects and reflection­s on life amid the pandemic earlier this year.

It launched its preservati­on bid in May and urged members of the Perth and Kinross community to get involved.

Locals were encouraged to not throw away items that shaped their lives during the pandemic, but instead to use them to help build a picture of lockdown life across the region.

As part of its remembranc­e project, Culture Perth and Kinross focused on children schooling from home during lockdown, people self-isolating, those caring for others, and the impact on locals’ working lives.

It aims to collate everything collected to become part of the museum and archives permanent collection.

Anyone who wishes to contribute should contact Anna Day at aday@pkc. gov. uk or call 07 967 475573.

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