The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Long journey ahead on road to recovery


The grim milestone of global deaths from coronaviru­s topping three million is a stark reminder of just how long a journey lies ahead for all of us before we are free of this dreadful plague.

While the vaccines, even with their expected complicati­ons, are being rolled out at pace in the UK, the same cannot be said for elsewhere.

It is likely that Europe will eventually catch up and then the healthcare and economic strangleho­ld the virus has maintained on all countries will gradually loosen.

But there is the wider world to consider, with extremes like the ignorance of Bolsonaro in Brazil fuelling a spiralling death rate, and the chronic poverty in India frustratin­g efforts at containmen­t.

News of a variant from that subcontine­nt – already recorded in the UK – is another cause for concern, and a reminder to us we cannot drop our guard.

Even as we begin to reconnect with freedoms once denied by lockdown, there is no room for complacenc­y which risks undoing all the good work that has got us this far.

It’s everyone’s responsibi­lity to stick to the rules, and continue to observe common sense measures we are all extremely familiar with now such as social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing.

Yes, let the vaccines do their job but do ours, too, to ensure we grab our liberty responsibl­y, and give a lead to other nations.

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