The Courier & Advertiser (Perth and Perthshire Edition)

Car almost hit pedestrian after driver lost control


AKirkcaldy woman narrowly missed a pedestrian as her car careered off the street and into a tree. Vicky McCormick lost control of her Vauxhall Astra on the town’s Hayfield Road.

Pedestrian Vicky Welsh, who was waiting for a lift, was forced to jump out of the way as McCormick mounted the kerb.

Fiscal depute Xander Van der Scheer told Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court the incident took place at 5.45am.

He said: “Witness Welsh was waiting at the point where she normally gets picked up.

“She was on her phone when the vehicle came speeding towards her – she believed it to be well above the 30mph limit.

“The car continued to speed towards Ms Welsh and she was forced to step back as it showed no signs of stopping.

“She saw the accused driving as it mounted the pavement and struck a Stephen’s Bakery sign.

“It continued careering about the car park and collided with a tree.”

Mr Van der Scheer said Ms Welsh had gone to McCormick’s aid after the car struck the tree.

He said: “She went over to the car and saw smoke emanating from the engine.

“She helped the accused get out.

“The accused tried to leave the scene as she needed to go to a nearby friend’s house.”

He said when police arrived McCormick gave them false details, pretending she was another woman entirely.

Solicitor Martin Maguire, defending, said the woman whose details McCormick had given was a former friend.

He said that McCormick had told him the incident occurred due to another vehicle “deviating”, causing her to lose control.

McCormick, 35, of Dunsire Street, Kirkcaldy, admitted driving carelessly on Hayfield Road on September 3 last year by driving at excessive speed for the road conditions, losing control, mounting the kerb, forcing Ms Welsh to jump out of the way, and hitting a shop sign, bin and tree.

McCormick admitted she was uninsured at the time.

She also pled guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice by giving police officers the name and date of birth of another woman.

Sentence was deferred for reports.

The car continued to speed towards Ms Welsh and she was forced to step back

 ?? ?? INCIDENT: Vicky McCormick lost control of her vehicle on Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy.
INCIDENT: Vicky McCormick lost control of her vehicle on Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy.

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