The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Review

How I See It

Finally! A Scandi drama I can follow without taking my eyes off my meatballs

- Vıctoria Coren Mitchell

You probably haven’t watched Young Royals on Netflix. You can’t be expected to keep up with everything. Young Royals is not a Tiger King or a Bridgerton; it’s not one of the big talked-about Netflix shows and I’m not even sure they want it to be. I emailed two different Netflix PR people about it and neither of them replied.

Other reasons you might not have seen Young Royals include:

1. Your appetite for young royals, at the moment, might not be at its most completely unquenched. If you’ve heard the series’s title, despite the best attempts of Netflix’s PR people to prevent that, you might have sighed a weary sigh at the very thought. “Oh God, not more stuff about the young royals!” you might have moaned weakly, reaching for the Scotch. But it’s not about those young royals – those old-fashioned, dutybound, uncontrove­rsial young royals of our own monarchy. No, this is about a prince who is gay and having a secret romance with a hot young republican socialist. Ha! Ours haven’t made that move yet, have they? (It’s also fictional. And Swedish.)

2. It’s Swedish. That will immediatel­y put off anyone who’s not keen on Scandi shows with subtitles. To them, it will seem too much like hard work. As it happens, when you switch it on you find that it actually doesn’t have subtitles, it’s dubbed (I know! Old school! Like 1980s pornograph­y!), which will immediatel­y put off anyone who is keen on Scandi stuff with subtitles. To them, it will seem déclassé. I am in a very slender little sliver of the Venn diagram: I like foreign TV but I hate subtitles because, when I watch television, I’m always eating. Incessantl­y. One hundred per cent of the time. And I like to glance down to see where my fork is going without missing an enormous plot twist. God knows I find plots hard enough to follow at the best of times.

So I was delighted to hear about a show that is not only foreign and dubbed, but also (my particular favourite) dubbed by people doing the accent of the original host country. Each character, to a man, speaking English like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets. I always enjoy that. You get it sometimes when Bond villains whisper to each other in Russianacc­ented English. It’s so illogical yet so entertaini­ng. It guarantees a certain internatio­nal je ne sais quoi (or jag vet inte vad) without the bother of looking up from your meatballs every five minutes to read the writing on the screen. This job of making it feel Scandinavi­an is helped along by a line in episode two: “Would you like your hot dog grilled or boiled?”

3. It’s for teenagers. It’s a six-part teen drama set at a prestigiou­s boarding school where Prince Wilhelm (Edvin Ryding) is sent after a scandal. That doesn’t put me off, I’m a glutton for stories of teen romance. Young people’s culture is always better than the grown-up stuff we’re meant to move on to, in just the same way that breakfast is a better meal than lunch, and tea is better than dinner. Scrambled eggs and crumpets are better than miso cod and panna cotta; similarly, the culture we imbibe gets progressiv­ely worse with time.

Children have all the best stuff. There is no better book than The Wind in the Willows. Unless it’s Winnie-the-Pooh. Or possibly The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Never pretend to me that you enjoyed War and Peace or Middlemarc­h more than The Castle of Adventure or Five Children and It. Even the greatest adult novels suffer for the lack of talking squirrels and flying carpets – except for those in the genre of magical realism (adult novels with talking squirrels and flying carpets!) but somehow the copying doesn’t quite work. Like when you buy an outfit online because it looked good on Joan from Mad Men. (Young Royals doesn’t have talking creatures and magic. It’s teen culture, not children’s. But that’s still very appealing to me, genericall­y. It’s like high tea: not as good as breakfast, but still better than dinner.)

4. You’re not watching TV at all at the moment. Lockdown’s as good as over, you’re hurtling about between cinemas and theatres and restaurant­s and parties, and the television is just a gloomy reminder of something awful in the past; it’s the jumper you wore in prison, the pen you used for your tax return, the slipper you eased over your broken toe. I understand.

I also went to see a play last week – Peter Capaldi and Zoë Wanamaker in Constellat­ions at the Vaudeville – and it was a magnificen­t experience just to be there. Was it very masky, you ask? Not for me because, when I’m watching a play, I’m always eating. Incessantl­y. One hundred per cent of the time. And now, I’m delighted to find, the crunching doesn’t drown out the dialogue for everyone else, because our ears are so well trained from 12 months of straining to hear each other through cotton. I’m joking. I don’t crunch. I take soup. Easy on the croutons. I can’t wait to slurp up more theatre over the coming weeks, but let’s never forget our trusty friend the television, which has stood loyally by us through all this terrible time.

I like foreign TV but hate subtitles… Young Royals is dubbed. Like 1980s pornograph­y

Anyway, I know I might be the only person in Britain who’s seen Young Royals, but I like it. If you want to see a gay Swedish prince waving his boiled hot dog at a teenage socialist, this is the show for you.

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 ??  ?? g In the same boat: a scene from Netflix’s Swedish import Young Royals
g In the same boat: a scene from Netflix’s Swedish import Young Royals

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