The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Review

How I See It

It’s been a week of fun and games with Laurence Fox and other blankety blanks

- Victoria Coren Mitchell

Earlier this week, Laurence Fox complained to Ofcom because I said I’d probably shag him. I must say, it was a surprising turn of events.

His followers (self-declared enemies of “cancel culture”) took up his invitation to lodge their own demands for me to be “sacked from the BBC”. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if I’m the last person on earth who genuinely believes in free speech.

Needless to say, the context was comic. I had been hosting Have I Got News For You, where subject matter included Fox’s firing from GB News for asking “Who would shag that?” about a female journalist. It was just the kind of story you’d expect to come up on a satirical news quiz: topical, zeitgeisty and inherently funny. The journalist was revolted and Laurence Fox lost a job, but it was all a bit silly and nobody died.

In an obvious cheeky echo, I asked guest panellist Carol Vorderman if she “would shag” Laurence Fox. Carol’s face indicated that she found the idea unappetisi­ng. I said, “You know, I probably would.”

As jokes go, this was not sophistica­ted. I just followed my instinct to say the unexpected thing – because Laurence Fox would be considered a villain in the centrist world of mainstream TV, and women aren’t supposed to seem eager to shag anybody – and the audience laughed. But it was also grounded in a sort of truth. I mean, I wouldn’t shag Laurence Fox, but I’m a happily married woman so that applies to everyone else as well. (Including my husband; we’ve been together 12 years.) (That was a joke.) (After this week, I’m feeling I really need to spell these things out.)

But theoretica­lly, one could have quite an interestin­g tumble with Foxy. An oversimpli­fication of the MeToo movement has popularise­d the notion that women are horrified by the very thought of sex that isn’t squeaky clean and polite – but it’s not long ago that Fifty Shades of Grey was selling in its millions and women were revealing quite how filthy our minds can be. There was a relaxing frankness to that, like taking off a corset.

Laurence Fox is a decentlook­ing guy and a darkly controvers­ial person; I don’t mind admitting I can imagine doing him over the bins. When I added on HIGNFY that “for me, a difference of opinion is no bar”,

I was meaning to express a truth about sexuality as well as a bigger point about the knee-jerk, binary tribalism of our age.

I’m honestly amazed that he minded. I must have bought in too naively to the idea that he’s a champion of free expression. Fox and his slow-thinking followers are calling me a hypocrite but, quite apart from the contexts being radically different, I never called for him to be sacked, am puzzled that he was (what on earth is GB News trying to be? He was only delivering what their audience has been encouraged to expect), and I’ve consistent­ly defended all manner of broadcaste­rs making all sorts of off-colour remarks. Let people say what they want and let others take the mickey!, is my almost-unshakeabl­e world view. Clearly, it isn’t his. Perhaps we can debate that robustly over the bins one day.

I was thinking about this while watching Blankety Blank, recently returned to BBC One on Saturday nights. I was pencilled as a guest on this series, but I pulled out when they said I had to show a passport when I got there. Apparently these are new rules to prove a “right to work” in this country, but nobody had ever asked me to do it before. And I’m very stubborn.

“You must know I’ve got a right to work! You’ve seen me on other things! Where would I pay tax if not Britain? Where am I from if not here?”, I said to a very nice man at the top of the production, who said he understood and felt the same way himself, but his hands were tied.

I’d been looking forward to playing Blankety Blank, which I loved as a child (and I asked the Rev Richard Coles who said it was great fun to do) – but, in that moment on that phone call in that week, my blood was too chilled at the idea of showing passports at the gate. I hate the slow, ubiquitous creep of data grabbing; you can’t even park your car now without a traceable iPhone and credit card. This passport rule sounded suspicious­ly like the introducti­on of “carrying ID cards” which I thought, as a nation, we’d long rejected. On this, surely Laurence Fox and I would see eye to eye? But Laurence is full of surprises. Perhaps he scrawled his love of the nanny state on the back of his Ofcom complaints form.

In a world of fringe channels, Netflix, Scandi dramas, TikTok and Youtube, it’s amazing there’s still a market for Blankety Blank, but I tell you what – I watched it the other night and loved it. So nostalgic (top prize was £750 and a garden shed), with tremendous “playalong factor.” The hosts of my childhood, Les Dawson and Terry Wogan, were among the greatest broadcaste­rs of all time, but Bradley Walsh does a very jolly job.

Neverthele­ss, I won’t be on it any time soon; passports or no passports, I’m taking a little sabbatical. Only Connect is all recorded now and will continue on Monday nights, unless Laurence’s campaign for my cancellati­on is successful, but I won’t be in this space for a while. I’m developing a different project entirely – which, all being well, I’ll tell you about in the spring.

As jokes go, it was not sophistica­ted. I just followed my instinct to say the unexpected

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 ?? ?? g Nostalgia trip: Blankety Blank host Bradley Walsh, far left, follows in the footsteps of
Les Dawson and Terry Wogan
g Nostalgia trip: Blankety Blank host Bradley Walsh, far left, follows in the footsteps of Les Dawson and Terry Wogan

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