The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Review


Channel 4, 8pm


Jamie Oliver has forgotten how to cook without gimmicks: every dish must cost a few pence, or only use one saucepan, and the contents of the larder are always off-limits. From Jamie’s One-Pan Wonders to his 30 Minute Meals or £1 Wonders, he focuses on speed, price and ease. All good things, considerin­g the pace of modern life – if only the ingredient­s weren’t often inaccessib­le, and the dishes left looking disappoint­ingly less tasty.

Returning with this four-part series, Oliver is once again whipping up meals involving only five ingredient­s – an area he previously explored in his 2017-20 series Jamie’s

Quick & Easy Food. But this time the theme is Mediterran­ean food (which neatly ties in with Oliver’s most recent cookbook).

Oliver kicks things off with a good old-fashioned chicken dish: all ubercrispy skin and tender flesh, as well as a tart showcasing wonderful fresh figs. Spanish chef José Pizarro is also on hand to share tips for the easy, delicious Mediterran­ean eats.

Your enjoyment will hinge firstly on your appetite for Oliver’s patented jack-the-lad banter, followed closely by how hungry you are while watching.

Bish bash bosh.

Poppie Platt excellent – he is chillingly convincing – you can’t help but watch this drama with a knot in your stomach; the sense that, maybe, it shouldn’t have been made at all. It’s episode three and the mid-Seventies; Savile is at the peak of his fame, beaming into living rooms around Britain every week on Jim’ll Fix It. Meanwhile, he is granted despicable access to patients at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Concludes tomorrow.

 ?? ?? The television chef rustles up a simple fig tart
The television chef rustles up a simple fig tart

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