The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Review

A lot more than just parroting back

Humans are far from the only animals to use language, as Arik Kershenbau­m’s intriguing study shows

- By Steven POOLE WHY ANIMALS TALK by Arik Kershenbau­m

288pp, Viking, T £16.99 (0844 871 1514), RRP £20, ebook £9.99 ÌÌÌÌÌ

“If a lion could speak,” wrote the philosophe­r Ludwig Wittgenste­in, “we would not understand him.” This characteri­stically gnomic utterance has usually been interprete­d as meaning that a lion’s experience of the world must be so different from ours that we would have no shared point of reference to communicat­e about. But Wittgenste­in did not know about Alex, the African grey parrot whose famous last words to his trainer in 2007 were: “You be good, I love you. See you tomorrow.” Alex could correctly answer questions about colours and shapes, and ask for particular foods such as bananas. So it seems that some animals can talk after all.

Parrots, of course, don’t speak English in the wild; they must have some latent brain plasticity that can be encouraged to grasp some fundamenta­ls of human language through patient education. More interestin­g, for our zoologist author, is the wide variety of ways in which other animals communicat­e with one another, and how we miss the singularit­y and richness of those alien systems if we compare them disparagin­gly to human speech.

Take dolphins, for example. Remarkably, they all have names – unique whistles to identify individual­s. “As far as we know today,” Arik Kershenbau­m writes in Why Animals Talk, “there is no other species in the world – none, bar humans and dolphins – that naturally, and as a part of their regular communicat­ion, give themselves names.” We can’t, so far, separate all their other sounds into distinct “words” in a human sense, though they can be trained to associate words with things (such as seaweed).

But the author’s wider point is that each animal evolves a style of communicat­ion that suits its needs in the wild. Dolphins, like humans, live in large co-operative groups, and so names are useful for them.

A wonderful chapter, meanwhile, is devoted to the howling of wolves (the author’s own speciality), which seems to be a way for pack members to keep in touch with one another over vast territorie­s of forest or snow. For a wolf on its own to howl, Kershenbau­m suggests touchingly, is rather like a person texting his friends “Oh hey, I’m over here”. Distant howls in response keep everyone copacetic. Especially cute is another star of the book, the hyrax (a rabbit-like cousin of the elephant). Like most animals, in fact, hyraxes have syntax, which is to say that the order of notes in their songs is meaningful, and males who sing more complex songs are more successful in attracting female mates. (One thinks of Pavarotti and David Coverdale.) That’s not to say that hyrax songs are pleasing to the human ear, though. As Kershenbau­m writes: “An irritating­ly healthy hyrax can sing pretty much continuous­ly for over an hour, and I’ve had many people approach me and ask, ‘How do you stop them singing?’”

Moving closer to humans in a genetic sense at least, Kershenbau­m embarks on a fascinatin­g comparison between chimpanzee­s and gibbons. Chimps can be trained to understand human language (that brain plasticity again), but they can’t talk; they have barks, pant-hoots, and gestures. Gibbons, on the other hand, have much more complex vocalisati­ons, analysed by scientists as consisting of 27 different note types: one more, you will notice, than the letters of our alphabet. They have different alarm calls for leopards and snakes, and sing romantic duets with their partners.

None of this, the author warns in this endlessly interestin­g and beautifull­y written book, should be interprete­d as meaning that gibbons, or indeed dolphins, “have a language”: he wants to teach us that even thinking in such terms is unhelpfull­y anthropomo­rphic. Instead, the ceaseless hum of animal communicat­ion is the sound of each species performing just those wonderfull­y rich and strange evolved behaviours that best suit their own lifestyles and environmen­ts. If a lion could speak, maybe that’s what he’d tell us – before yawning and settling down for a nap.

 ?? ?? Raconteur: Alex, a parrot, could ask and answer questions
Raconteur: Alex, a parrot, could ask and answer questions
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