The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Saturday



uncovered) in a roasting tin in the fridge to dry out until the day.

Dry brining takes longer but requires less space. Mix 7g of rock salt per kilogram of turkey with plenty of pepper and some chopped rosemary if you like.

Rub the mixture under and over the skin of the turkey, concentrat­ing more on the breasts than the legs, and pop it in a roasting tin in the fridge for 48 to 72 hours.

Ideally the turkey should be uncovered, so the skin dries out, but you could wrap it loosely in greaseproo­f paper. Lift out and roast as it is – no need to rinse it.


750g celeriac, peeled and very thinly sliced

1 garlic clove, sliced

300ml double cream

300ml milk

450g beetroot, peeled and very thinly sliced

Butter for greasing


Put the celeriac in a pan with half of the garlic, 200ml cream and 200ml milk, plus salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and cook until the celeriac is just about tender.

Cook the beetroot in the rest of the milk, cream and garlic until barely tender, adding salt and pepper.

In a small buttered gratin dish, layer up the celeriac and beetroot with their creams, ending with the celeriac. Dot with butter. Keep in the fridge for up to three days.

To cook, bake at around 200C/180C fan/Gas 6 (or below the roast potatoes at 220C/200C fan/Gas 7) for 30 minutes, until bubbling and lightly browned.

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